I love this despite its faults. Just going to state that I am NOT a hater of the tank gameplay. I don't love it, but it isn't anywhere near as bad as people made it out to be.

Incredible MetroidVania and Batman game. Atmosphere for days.

Phenomenal. I beat it when it launched on PS3, but the GTA VI hype has me itching to replay on current hardware.

I don't know if GTA has a peak, but I'm still using peak in this case. Insane this game existed in 2004. Also, spent WAY too much time on YouTube back in the day looking at mod's that I thought were in game. I wish I could have all the time I spent looking for Sasquatch and Leatherface lol

When I was a kid, my brother taught my how memory cards and save slots worked the hard way. I didn't realize he saved my data prior, but he destroyed all of my cars in my garage and I freaked out. If you knew how hard storing so many cars in those garages were back in the day, you'd understand.

Once skipped church because I was so close to finishing the story of this game. The earliest point I can recollect where I deviated into being a heathen. I still remember the map layout to this day, which is insane to me.

Never finished this but got super close. Was really emjoying it until I stopped one day. Can't remember why I stopped now.

Failed my driver's test the day this came out, so this was a treat to myself. Aka I'm going home to drown myself in GoW and not think about failing lol

Best of the trilogy. Replaying this series next year with some friends and I am so pumped.

Used to listen to dad rock and play this at the same time. Never felt so badass.

I'm giving this 5 stars due to just how much is in this bundle. I know the issues it had at launch, how much work into turning all of that around. However, I'm a massive fan of everything under the same umbrella. Love this.

Took the OG and made it look new(er). Good stuff.

Halo 5 definitely got shafted on release, like most Xbox One exclusives. It wasn't the game that the marketing sold us, but it's still fantastic. 343 never hit the Bungie peak (most games don't or haven't, to be fair), but that doesn't disqualify its own quality.

Didn't click for me the first time I played it. Likely because you're not playing as MC and I was a dumb teenager. Luckily later in my teens, I came to appreciate how great it is. Played it on Legendary with a random Halo friend I made one weekend.

A step down from everything that came before it, but still a good game. Probably gets too much hate.