93 Reviews liked by MariKiwami

this game could have been amazing if they hired writers

I want a refund for my pirated copy

This is like 9/11 for the remaining queerphobic Celeste fans

show was mid guys lets not kid around

Forever my favorite arc. Gosh, I cry every time when the scenes with Renne or Tio start to hit. I remember how I first didn’t like Randy that much back then (I never disliked him, though), but chapter by chapter, I started to love this bro so much. This game even manages to make me like a dude like Dudley.

This game manages so well to present you the overarching story without letting you realize it from the start. Just near the ending, you realize how much of the overarching story happened right at the start. What seemed like subplots at first turns out to be one of the best happenings of a complex and mind fckn conspiracy.

First time on Nightmare this time. First Nightmare experience in Trails ever. That was an experience. Loved and enjoyed it so much!

If I could pick one game that I had to play forever, it would be Trails from Zero.

Incredible level design and variety, alongside a fantastic new artstyle that breathes in so much life in these characters, create such a unique and varied platformer that propels modern 2D Mario to the same standard as 3D Mario. The only things I didn't particularly enjoy were the boss fights (Final boss was really cool though), and the game was generally extremely easy. Besides that, this is probably my favorite 2D Mario game tied with Yoshi's Island now.

This review was written before the game released


A great tech demo that shows you what the PlayStation 5 is capable of and what could await us in the near future. It’s a love letter to the history of PlayStation.

I would like to see an entire game of this.

Completed twice, with 100% of achievements unlocked - includes 100% completion, 1-hour speedrun and zero deaths. Fairune is a somewhat simplistic 2D adventure game, playing out from an overhead perspective, with pixelart graphics. Combat in the game is handled through a 'bump' system, with enemies defeated simply by walking into them, at the cost of an amount of cost determined by the monster's level - and with monsters off too high a level instead killing the player outright. With this simplified approach, combat clearly isn't the core focus of Fairune, with exploration and puzzle-solving instead brought to the fore, to good effect. This creates a generally very relaxing experience, with exploration bringing a nice sense of satisfaction - perfect for its short length.

Fairune 2
Completed twice, with 100% of achievements unlocked - includes 100% completion and 3-hour speedrun. Very similar to the preceding game, this sequel is largely similar, but provides an expanded experience - gameplay is much the same, with the 'bump' combat of the first game retained, but the game is 2-3 times its length, with a greater number of different, themed worlds to explore, each individually larger, and a wider selection of equipment to collect and puzzles to solve. There's a little more plot here, though it's still very light, but overall, the expanded scope and variety of scenarios (in all key ways - location, equipment, puzzle types, etc.) means that the game justifies its longer play time, while retaining the relaxing and satisfying feel from the first Fairune.

Fairune Origin
100% of achievements unlocked; zero-damage, sub-6 minute speedrun. The first of two 'bonus' games that round out the Fairune Collection, Fairune Origin is a very short-form take on the series' approach, retaining the 'bump' combat but now making its outcome based on the direction of attacks, and taking place in a much smaller area. With 100% completion attainable in minutes this is very much not build as a lasting experience (though there's certainly competitive speedrunning potential), but it's an enjoyable if very simplistic 'palette-cleanser' after the lengthier experiences of the two main instalments.

Fairune Blast!
100% of achievements unlocked; cleared with all three characters. Fairune Blast! is the second 'bonus' game in Fairune Collection, only unlocked after beating the three other games. Very different from the main gameplay of the series, Blast! expands on the format of the final boss battles of the two main games, being a vertically-scrolling shooter. The three different playable characters, each with different weaponry that powers up as you play, bring an impressive amount of variety for a bonus game, but with only a single stage, limited by a timer (each run ends at two minutes) rather than progress through battles, this is never going to last all that long. That said, with well-implemented leaderboards, the game does about as much as could be expected of it, and serves as a nice way to round out the Collection.

shit game
hate the v-tuber art style
hate the overall style as well
main character looks ass
don’t care if it’s an anniversary title, the fanservice is garbage
time wheel again
embarrassing plot and characters
the opening song is worse than the worst seven deadly sins opening

game looks unironically like it was developed with ai tools



I need to shelve it because of its themes. It wasn’t a good idea to play this game right after reading Oyasumi Punpun. I will come back to it, though.

being locked to super guide as your special really makes this undebabtably the worst peggle to actually play, but that's beside the point--this is a gaslight game. this is not a real fucking game. this is fucking made up. one of the backdrops is pyro burning jimmy lightning to death. i am aware i downloaded it from steam and played it to completion but there is simply no way an officially licensed game, where gman's face is plastered on the sun and the title screen shows the peggle unicorn turned into a headcrab zombie, actually exists