5 reviews liked by Marppus

this game is severely dragged down by the behavior of desuhiko and shinigami, ESPECIALLY shinigami since she's with you the whole entire game. what even brings it up to a 2 is the fact that the rest of the cast are really fun/interesting to be around

Rusty: I NEED COCK buddy
Walter: I NEED COCK 621
Snail: I NEED COCK mutt
Ayre: I NEED COCK raven
Iguazu: Kill your self

A mid sized metroidvania that carries a few glaring flaws on the back of an excellent combat system and tight controls. Stringing together combos is a ton of fun, and fighting enemies is just plain fun. This makes the moment to moment gameplay of Fist engaging, and its hard to put down. That is, until the water levels show up. 1/4 of the game is spent messing around in labyrinthe pipe mazes. Luckily, its pretty easy to speed through these levels and get back to the good stuff, since its still relatively briskly paced.

The only other hang up with Fist is the story. The voice actors do a good job reading their nearly directly translated wooden dialogue. The characters dont have much for personality, and mostly just spout exposition for a plot so by the numbers it practically registers as white noise.

In the end, a weak story and some pacing issues didnt kill my enjoyment of FIST. Not when the moment to moment gameplay feels so good. Hopefully Sony funds a sequel, because this is a real hidden gem.

Pretty bad ending for an okay series with great potential

Solid platforming, good music but nothing memorable. Story and combat is nothing to write home about. I was surprised how sudden it ended. But I don't regret playing this tbh