Short but sweet, a little bit too much Style over Substance but it oozes with charme from the animation studio Madhouse. Feels kinda like an arcade experience even if it tries more. What starts as a crime killing spree à Woo and Rodriguez becomes a wtf-experience in the end. Some bosses were pretty meh and kinda unfair but the scope of Destruction was pretty damn cool for its time. Yeah. I give this a thumbs up!

An absolutely amazing Game for the time, which captures and expands the movie pretty much perfectly. Some enemy types and bosses were annoying but the effort put behind this game deserves love. This one plays amazingly on the Xbox One and I'm glad that I replayed this again. ❤️

It's cool that they included "Plan to eradicate the Saiyans", although Hatchiyack is kinda... eh. Sometimes unbalanced but it still plays better than the previous DBZ-Game. Btw screw these "near death-battles... they just suck.

It's a damn good game but I just can't play this longer than an hour. :'D
I stopped playing on PS4 cause I'm just too slow for this game but did pretty good on PC. You really need to remember all weaknesses to survive the ongoing arena like battles.

It's a decent game following the original trilogy from Luke's perspective. There are difficulty spikes in Episode VI but the checkpoints are pretty generous and the beat em up mechanics of the lightsaber are fun. It's OK for an original handheld game.

An absolutely amazing game! The story is really dumb but the combat is pretty damn fun. I can see why this became the blueprint and golden standard for over-the-shoulder-action-games in the future and how it inspired the game industry for such a long time.

My first contact with the PS1. A moody, janky, funny and awesome game. It became a tradition of mine to finish this game around Halloween.
I gotta thank my cousin for the introduction to the world of Gallowmere and its unique clumsy hero Sir Daniel Fortesque.

Yes it has weaknesses but my god... I just love this game so much and I'm wishing for a lot more Action RPGs in the DBZ-Universe. Such a shame that the first game sucks a lot and the Saiyan and Namek Arcs will never get improved again. I certainly hope for a Fan Remake combining Legacy of Goku 1, 2 and Buu's Fury into one. This would be certainly something I would wish with the Dragonballs.

Yeah History revision sucks but well it's a fictional story so... I dunno.

The Campaign was pretty damn good even if the battle against the Juggernaut was kinda dumb. Less cutscenes and more Gameplay would be cool but... I need to say that this was a pretty damn good COD-Game and I'm pretty impressed.

The effort in this fanmade mod of Tenkaichi 3 is astounding. It was quite fun to catch up on Dragonball Super with the gameplay of Budokai Tenkaichi 3.

Good game but SCREW THAT SNIPER MISSION IN FRANCE AND THE D-DAY MISSION! It's agonizing! The character feels pretty slow in changing weapons etc. BUT the gunplay is still fun. Stealth on the other hand... is pretty bad but well the game is 20 freaking years old so I guess that's a thing. Some missions were really entertaining and some felt pretty bad designed but it was overall pretty fun.

It's definitely an idtech-shooter but it layed a foundation of WWII-shooters on PC to come.

A surprisingly competent Max Payne Experience on the go!
Everything that made the original masterpiece is here, too. Yeah the story is cut short but it still amazes me how the developers overcame all the system limitations to give such a cool game.

It's a trashy piece of shit game but still a game I had a little fun with. So many things are not working and so many mechanics are simply bad... but for some reason some levels were pretty satisfying for a "turn-your-brain-off-and-blast-everyone" kinda mood. The voice clips are even bitcrunched beyond belief... for some odd reason.

I still can't believe how this studio made a solid Terminator game after this. And they're now working on a Robocop game. So yeah... I can't hate this... and I can't love this either.

There are some moments and sections, that frustrated me a bit BUT the story, artstyle and atmosphere kept me going. I'm not a huge fan of inventory backtracking but that's part of the genre and it's definitely better managable here than in other Horror-Games.

If THIS is a debut... I really want to know where Rose Engine will be going after this as this game blew me away! <3

Stone Cold Classic!

Max Payne is still an awesome game even with some iffy shootouts. 21 Years... time flies by fast... damn.
Many games tried to copy this one but the genius combination of a noir story, comic panels and Hong Kong Bullet Time Shootouts is still a sight to behold!

A Must-Play!