200 Reviews liked by MaryHill

Ashely stop fucking screaming at me plz and thanks

The most underrated Resident Evil game, Barry is the GOAT

There’s something about seeing the Game Over screen in Silent Hill 3 that makes me dread continuing more than any other game. Many years later and now I’ve finally got to it and beaten it.

SH3 is mostly excellent horror with that unmatched oppressive atmosphere and deep dark symbolism only really found in the first 3 Team Silent games. The Otherworld Hospital and The Chapel can be grouped amongst the most eerie and unsettling areas of gaming. Akira’s soundtrack and sound design is incredible, and its OST is just as good as SH2. So impressive visually running on the PS2. I’ve learned that selecting hard mode is no joke, especially in the later half against bosses if running low on resources. (41 long hard minutes to kill the final one). I would strongly recommend normal or lower difficulty unless you know what you’re doing.

one of the best survival horror games i've ever played. i love the atmosphere, the story, the soundtrack, and the gameplay mechanic with the dog (brown) is really fun!
my only complain is the combat, this game wasn't made for combat. some bosses can be really tedious to fight and i also don't like the parts when the game forces you to defeat a horde of enemies to progress in the game.
but besides that, i think everything else is amazing.

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This game rocks. I hated Jennifer's walking speed and it really killed my desire to explore which is a shame, however if you can put up with that there's a great story and soundtrack waiting for you. A lot of people claim this should have been something non-interactive instead, and I agree, because the gameplay is BAD.

Jennifer can only attack melee, and she's not very good at it. She covers her face while swinging which, whilst thematically amazing, hinders you a lot when it comes to forced enemies encounters. You'll get the hang of it; it's just not going to be fun, ever. Some boss fights are bullshit, too. Make sure you keep moving because when Jen gets knocked down it's a 55 hour long animation of her standing up and you CAN get stunlocked. Make sure to note that she attacks with her right hand. Even two handed weapons, the attack comes from the right, so align yourself accordingly lest you miss because the hitboxes are not great.

There's a lot of symbology and the real ending is not the one you'd usually get. You have to give the man his own pistol so that he'll shoot himself, then you will wake up in the orphanage as some sort of epilogue where you get backstory and a lot of holes filled where Jen comes to terms with her past. It's pretty cool, however the story can be cryptic and there are a lot of events that occur in places where you shouldn't even be going in the first place, as well as books scattered throughout that you will probably miss as I did. Nonetheless, I have no desire to replay the game. Most of these extra things you can find on YouTube or the Wiki (which is really good).

But I would definitely recommend giving this game a playthrough.

This game is so bad. I am truly a worse person after playing it. But it was also so funny and entertaining. This is a 1 star game but it's 5 stars in my heart.

Played a million times but got around to another replay with the deluxe patch. Deluxe makes chases and scissorman appearances much more dynamic, i rly recommend it. Still as lovely as i remember :)

More horror games should take adrenaline into account the way this does.

Easily my favorite SMT game alongside Nocturne. The only Persona game that speaks to the struggles of being an adult rather than a teenager. This isn't inherently better, but it's certainly a breath of fresh air from the series if you've come off of 3-5. After beating this game, I ended up beating it twice more almost back to back. Maya is my singular favorite character from anything, but she's a silent protagonist in this game and shines primarily in Innocent Sin. Definitely play that first.

didn't realize co-op horror games could actually be fun until I played this on parsec with a friend.

this game is the only time i have ever kissed another human being

The most beautiful case of Stockholm syndrome i've ever had with a video game.

I had a fun time with this game. I really loved its super weird nature as well as the awesome schedule. The game still looks really interesting and I also really found the music cool too. It is one of the weirdest games I've played but I had a great time.

Chulip is one of those peculiar titles that make you wonder how did they ever see the light of day, and this sentence has many sentiments behind it. If I'm trying to pitch it to someone I say "It's a game about kissing and poverty" just to throw them off

First, time has not been kind to Chulip. PCSX2 is your best bet to try this, and its localization is very rough. There are mistranslations, missing lines, and mangled contexts. This ends up making you lean more on the game manual which is just a guide that spoils many puzzles that are inherently unfair because of the translation issues. I wish there was a proper fan translation or restoration project.

Talking about Chulip is exhausting becase finishing it was, the game starts with a set pace and a very strong introduction but the more you dig in the drier it gets. Characters and events follow schedules similar to Shenmue as an example, so time burning is something to expect, and you'll find it in spades. I almost spent the last two hours of play on double speed and it still felt laborious.

But yet I was prepared for something like this. If you're looking for a fun time this is not your cuppa, but if you're willing to try a unique game with good artistic direction then by all means go ahead.

Very creative, unique game. Playing it can honestly be unpleasant, so you have to be in the mood for the type of game that sacrifices its own fun to tell its story. (I personally softened it with emulator save states and speedups) I really like its art style and atmosphere, but I decided to put it away once the game got too obtuse for me to really know what I was doing without just following a walkthrough step by step. I'm sure that it's possible to finish this game guideless, but you have to throw a lot of stuff at the wall, both time and money, to see what eventually works when a lot of people might not like that.

First & Blind Playthrough: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sSV_UDBNhLE

Chilla's Art are back with a fresh dose of deranged and nostalgic horror. From the schoolyard to a clown-infested apartment; The Kidnap takes players through a bizarre journey full of twists, turns, and menacing mini-games. The life of a schoolboy has it all -- converging upon a challenging final dash toward multiple endings that are steeped in familiar conventions of the genre. Cheap fun for the whole family -- or at least whoever's still around. I enjoyed the variety of experiences, uncertainty of it all, and Chilla's Art's trademark retro vibes. A strong finish.