Great game, only complaint is performance is pretty bad on PS3 (though this can be fixed with emulation but that needs a really good PC) and the sex jokes feel overused after a while, but still play this game

Really good for a Vita game, only issues i had were the framerate tanking in certain parts, and the forced touch controls making it hard to see the screen when sliding. The game comes highly recommended, but I suggest the PS4 remaster over the vita original

Games overrated as hell, if you want a good 3D zelda play wind waker or majoras mask

A great game, neutered by a bad remake, the remake removes the charm of the original, while also messing with gameplay, removing all fun from boss fights and making the deku and zora forms ass, i recommend but please just play the original

I love this game I really do, but when this port is so bad that it made me doubt my love for the original I just cant recommend this version which is a shame since this is one of the best games on switch. Its only advantage over the original is an hour and a half long bonus segment, and better audio quality/more music tracks. Still I recommend doing yourself a favor and play the original on DS. Games still a 10/10, the 3/5 rating is simply due to disliking this versions controls.

Update: Tried the co-op mode, and it is definitely a better experience, I now give it a 7/10

This is a pretty good version of the sega saturn original, better than the version included with Orta thats for sure, 5 stars not really, but there was no other review and I wanted it to be the highest rated game I have played so...

This game is pretty fun and comes recommended, idk why the reviews are so bad

This game is not that good of a game lets get that out of the way, but if you are looking for some dumb fun on the wii I recommend

Its a good port overall, but its not that good of a game

This game sucks, like one of the worst platforming games ive ever played, sucks anyways, please stay away from this game

This review is for the GBA port, as I have played both versions now and dont feel like actually reviewing the game itself just the port job. This port sucks hard, first off the obvious, the graphics have been brightened for the gba screen and they look worse, 2 the audio quality is worse since the gba sound hardware is non-existent, 3 the lack of button make the controls feel worse, 5 the screen crunch is horrendous, if you want to play this game please play the super nintendo version

This game is a pretty good retelling of silent hill one, on wii at least, if you want to experience silent hill and own a wii i recommend this one (ps2 and psp ports arent the same experience, same for using a regular controller/keyboard when emulating, if possible play with a wii mote)

A great fighting game for the boys

This is overall a very good remake, it keeps the spirit of the original intact and doesn't alter much, only issue is that the controls are clearly meant for a dualshock stick layout and now the layout featured on an xbox or switch controller, so overall i recommend this game on ps4 or pc with a dualshock (please note that it may just be my muscle memory messing with me, and im sure that if you are used to the other stick layout it will be fine)

Very fun game with friends, there are 2 issues however, the single player experience isnt the best, and its a pain to set up for multiplayer as you need the game, a gamecube/wii and 4 gbas if you wanna have max amount of players