Arguably peak fiction, no man can name 1 flaw with this first example of the Japanese truly understanding their own people, as well as understand the nature of art and even reality itself, if you need to do a little soul searching play this game, you will find your reason.

Xenoblade chronicles 0, inspired every other game known to man, the original perfect sequel, and the true final fantasy 7 remake. The one game that can rival the innovation and ambition of doctor hauzer. You can not find a more perfect game.

Okay game, fills the classic style jrpg role for the platform just fine it has nice music, balanced gameplay, and quality visuals. Its not as ambitious as something like team innocent but at least its more than just motion jpeg with button prompts.

The first example of video games as an art form, pipo was too good for us, a true hero.

This review was written before the game released

I want to kill Chaos. I need to. It's not a hope or a dream. It's like a hunger. A thirst.

This is a pretty good version of the sega saturn original, better than the version included with Orta thats for sure, 5 stars not really, but there was no other review and I wanted it to be the highest rated game I have played so...

A great fighting game for the boys

This is overall a very good remake, it keeps the spirit of the original intact and doesn't alter much, only issue is that the controls are clearly meant for a dualshock stick layout and now the layout featured on an xbox or switch controller, so overall i recommend this game on ps4 or pc with a dualshock (please note that it may just be my muscle memory messing with me, and im sure that if you are used to the other stick layout it will be fine)

Powerful Wario Game 2004
(I played the Japanese version which is slightly better and also comes with stickers, +1 star)