This game is pretty fun and comes recommended, idk why the reviews are so bad

This is a pretty good version of the sega saturn original, better than the version included with Orta thats for sure, 5 stars not really, but there was no other review and I wanted it to be the highest rated game I have played so...

I love this game I really do, but when this port is so bad that it made me doubt my love for the original I just cant recommend this version which is a shame since this is one of the best games on switch. Its only advantage over the original is an hour and a half long bonus segment, and better audio quality/more music tracks. Still I recommend doing yourself a favor and play the original on DS. Games still a 10/10, the 3/5 rating is simply due to disliking this versions controls.

Update: Tried the co-op mode, and it is definitely a better experience, I now give it a 7/10

A great game, neutered by a bad remake, the remake removes the charm of the original, while also messing with gameplay, removing all fun from boss fights and making the deku and zora forms ass, i recommend but please just play the original

Games overrated as hell, if you want a good 3D zelda play wind waker or majoras mask

Really good for a Vita game, only issues i had were the framerate tanking in certain parts, and the forced touch controls making it hard to see the screen when sliding. The game comes highly recommended, but I suggest the PS4 remaster over the vita original

Great game, only complaint is performance is pretty bad on PS3 (though this can be fixed with emulation but that needs a really good PC) and the sex jokes feel overused after a while, but still play this game