Valve's best. As good as the sequels were, they just can't compare to the original.

This game pisses me off to no end. Blizzard had something incredible in their hands, ruined for the sake of pro-players and top players in general which made up about 1% of the playerbase. They couldn't balance their characters if their life depended on it. They're either broken or unusable(according to the very annoying playerbase that will throw a tantrum if you pick a character that's not meta). Had a nice lore ruined by absolute hack writers that would change a character's sexual orientation on demand so they could escape from criticism and drama due to their terrible practices.
Having that said, I feel Overwatch 2 has a lot of potential in regards to its co-op campaign, but it can also be easily ruined. We can only wait and see.

Fun unless you play competitive.

The fan-made content inside and outside elevated this already good game to legendary status. Put in over a thousand hours in this, and I would put in a thousand more if Valve updated it once in a while.

I've had an absurd amount of fun in this game and although I don't play it too much anymore, I'm sure I'll get hooked if I pick it up again.

Every girl I like either dies or becomes an enemy. AK-15 please never abandon me.

As grindy and competitive as it was it's still far better than Genshin. Could've done without the self insert protagonist as we don't really matter at all to the story.

When you start seeing more mainstream gacha games blame it on this game.

I like The Ballad of Gay Tony much more.

I will never not be salty about the cut content.

I just can't get enough of this game. It is indeed a lot more linear compared to the previous entries but there's something really enticing about it. My only gripe with it are the prices. Still quite expensive 5 years later, specially the DLC, Ashes of Ariandel, which, despite having good content, is too small for it's price. If you can only get one DLC, go for The Ringed City. It has Gael in it. Although the season pass, which was also a steal mind you, usually goes on sale for a fair price so you might wanna wait for that.