22 Reviews liked by Maxificent

Words can't even describe how blown away I am from this game. While I thought Remake was a great game, I didn't necessarily love it. Midgar was cool but felt a bit cramped and lacked the whimsical fantasy aspects I grew to love from the franchise. Also, aside from the great cast of quirky characters, I felt as if the story was a bit lacking. All this being said, it's safe to say that all my previous qualms with the first game disappeared.

Right off the bat, we are taken from the narrow passages of Midgar to the insanely addicting aspects of the open world. At first, the story seems to be crawling at a snail's pace, but eventually, it picks up and stays on a high until the end. This time around, we also have a few new characters added to the roster. Each of them seamlessly joins the charming group. The interactions between characters this time are top-notch, and they really feel like a family by the end.

Combat, of course, is great and a step above the previous title, partially due to the amount of mixing and matching you can do with the parties. I fought hundreds of mobs, and it never got old. Something about the action elements mixed with classical RPG mechanics is a match made in heaven.

Overall, Rebirth is an excellent title. It's felt like it for the past few years, but now I can comfortably say Final Fantasy is back baby.

Also, Queens Blood slaps.

I still have no fucking clue what a dragons dogma is, but what I do know is that the mystic spearhead vocation slaps.

Fingers crossed that Capcom fixes some of the fps issues because I'm ready for round 2.

beautiful game, decent combat, cute blobs

After 6 years, 2 lost saves, and many deaths; I finally beat Cuphead

I remember playing this game almost 10 years ago at some convention and I was immediately hooked. The iconic 30's art style, meticulously crafted hand-drawn animation, and the unforgettable jazz & ragtime soundtrack all work in unison to create a charming and nostalgic experience.

Some bosses may seem impossible at first, but with each failure, you learn and grow until it finally clicks. Few things can match the satisfaction of seeing that "A KNOCKOUT" text take over your screen.

Overall, Cuphead is a must-play and I look forward to taking on The Delicious Last Course next!

Red Dead Redemption 2 is a game I've been itching to play for a while now. I've heard so many great things about how well written the story and characters all are, and boy were they right.

Every character in this game feels so real and fully fleshed out. It feels like everyone you encounter has lived a full life up until when you meet them. Each mission adds so much depth to both the characters and to of course Arthur Morgan, who is now without a doubt one of the greatest protagonists in all of gaming for me. The journey and arc this game takes him through is on a whole other level. So expertly crafted and was the highlight of this game for sure. The soundtrack is so perfect, some really impactful scenes get brought to fruition through the use of music. Songs like 'Unshaken' and 'That's The Way It Is' hit me like a ton of bricks when they started playing, not to mention, the final song ‘American Venom’ which perfectly concludes the story.

I really enjoyed the story and much like the characters, the story is written excellently making it hard to believe this is a video game at times. But the side content I think really brings to life the arc the Arthur goes through. I loved the way the world was slowly introduced by chapters. It made the open world less overwhelming and let you fully explore each town before introducing you to the next. The world of Red Dead Redemption is so bustling and the attention to detail in every area of the game is genuinely breathtaking.

But with how expansive the world is, there is a LOT of travelling from marker to marker. Not to mention after going across the map to reach the next mission it begins with even more travelling to the ACTUAL location of the mission. There were a few side missions I wanted to do but ended up not completing due to them being in the middle of nowhere. The gameplay I also thought left more to be desired. The controls feel so clunky and outdated. Simple actions like trying to take cover just straight up don't work at times. Even me riding the horse following someone while I have to shoot at enemies chasing me was just so complicated for no reason.

Overall though, I really enjoyed my time with Red Dead Redemption 2 and can see why it gets the praise it does. I just wish the gameplay matched the other aspects of the game.

Hollow Knight is one of the greatest metroidvanias of all-time. Getting lost in this beautiful world and slowly unravelling the mysteries of Hallownest’s past made me want to never stop exploring. The score and art really elevate the beauty of this game. From the dreary and terrifying depths, to the melancholic and pensive city of tears; each and every area has its own unique and different feel. Finding a new ability or charm is always around the corner and by the end of the game you feel like an absolute beast. Everything from the movement to the combat is so buttery smooth and it makes fighting the endless supply of amazing bosses such a blast. Once you figure out their patterns it’s like an elegant dance between the two of you. This game is incredible and I cannot rave about this game enough. The fact that this game was made by THREE people is beyond impressive. Play this game.

Silksong, I don’t know if you even exist, but I am ready.

Yes, it may be locked to 30 fps for all eternity, but the overall vibe and atmosphere are a masterclass. In my opinion, this is Miyazaki's magnum opus in terms of world-building, outfit design, and story. It doesn't get much better than this.

It's a solid start to an exciting story. If you are not opposed to the usual grind of MMO's, I would stick it out. The story is a bit slow, but with each new expansion the story just gets better and better.

Its a good life we lead, brother.

Ahhhhhhhhh de best!

Still the best pirate game to date

I get that it's fixed now, but I played it on day one and got the platinum. One of the trophies required me to walk away for an hour, I'm pretty sure.
