20 Reviews liked by May64

Fun idea, fun game, GaS practices aside. It still needs some work, though, as it feels really unbalanced and it might feel discouraging to play with friends. One bad turn, and your race is ruined.

This game deftly handles some very challenging subject material. Challenging for me to read and play, anyway - as a semi-autobiographical game, it is a brave statement about the experience and consequences of being a sex worker. There's plenty of media out there about trauma, but few pieces offer such an insightful picture. Doing so using the tools available on a Game Boy Color is remarkable.

Currently fighting back this primal urge to not call it "Off Gay" for about 4 days now I can't hold it anymore aaaagghh-

At first, it seems like the controls are ass, but after a while you realize that the game actually controls alright. Then you get to world 8 and realize it’s actually the level design that’s ass

The Last of Us: Part I is the best way to play one of the best games ever made but it's not a product for everybody.

The PS3 and PS4 versions of The Last of Us are still good even today. Even after 10 years, the PS3 game looks like a modern game. So why should you play this version?

If you played The Last of Us in the last few years, I would say to you stay away of this version. It's the same game with graphics a lit bit more closer to Part II.

But if you played the original version when it was released on the PS3 or you never had the chance to play any of them, I think there's no reason for you to play the older versions.

The Last of Us: Part I takes one best games of all time and make it even better. The new graphics don't let the game look old.

I probably don't need to talk about the story. It's still one best stories on the entertainment busniess.

The gameplay is the same we saw on the older versions. It's not bad at all, but Sony could work in some upgrades.

The bad side? It's not a remake like Sony said. It looks like a remaster and everybody knows that! Why?

In the last few years we had a lot of remakes nomitaded for the VGA and it didn't happened to The Last of Us: Part I. I'm pretty sure if this was the first version of the game, he would probably win the Game of The Year award. As everyone knows it looks like more as a remaster, it wasn't even nominated.

Like I said, you should give it a try if you only played the game when the first version came out or if you never had the experience.

Even with all that, I had a great time. The Last of Us still one of the best experiences that you could have with videogames.

bro if she keeps saying no just leave her alone

I think this is my favorite Chilla's Art game so far. No ghosts or monsters in this one, but the kind of horror in this one is very real and relatable, which, in my opinion, really makes it their scariest game. Narrative-wise, The Closing Shift was pretty simple. The execution was pretty good, I think – they really knew how to get the anxiety built up around how it is to be a girl working alone late at night.

There were some really well-placed jumpscares, and I really give them props for that. I've been enjoying watching others play through this game and they all get caught by the same one without fail.

As for graphics, the moment I stepped outside the apartment in the game, it was obvious that the devs really improved on their technique. The lighting and textures of the environments in particular were definitely a step up from the previous games.

There was nothing especially crazy about the mechanics, but cafe worker simulator was really fun for me. I may be the odd one out in saying that I actually enjoyed making everyone's orders.

I definitely recommend this game!

i wish i never started playing this game. anyways stan nico

i agree with this game's message and enjoyed my super brief time with it! unfortunately the third ending (there are three endings) is chance-based, and you can't skip dialogue, so i didn't have the patience to refresh until i got it. worth playing, though!

Bold choice to follow up the most heterosexual game I’ve ever played with the most lesbian one but okay I see you

Really, really underrated game. So much fun and lots of freedom for creativity.

i'm ranking this way higher than it deserves but i played it about fifty times when i was young and honestly? it was fun even if it was also kinda stupid.

objectively the best game ever made

Now, I can't remember which version that we had as kids, but I remember really loving this game.