Wasn't great, but character creator, huge roster and Mortal Karting makes this one fun.

Konquest was a downgrade from Decpetion.

I should probably go back and do the other 2 routes... and then maybe buy the DLC...

I need to bully my GF into playing this co-op with me so I can finish it.

Custom games lobbies were awesome (though reach quickly replaced it for me and my friends.


I thought this was dope as a kid.

How this game didn't make me a furry I will never know.

Me playing literally any first person shooter made after 2004: 'This is just Half Life 2 but X'

Got my assed kicked by the final song on Cruisin' but I persevered grinded, and it felt really good when I beat it :) I didn't unlock any of the bonus songs (and I didn't realise there were two more difficulties) so it looks like I will need to play a bit more before I consider it 'mastered'.

I dropped it 20 hours in and for the life of me cannot get back into it - the actual gameplay loop feels really tedious compared to something like (please don't laugh) Fire Emblem.

Frustrating in so many ways. Camera angles make its hard to gauge how far away objects are, picking things up can be temperamental and your friend just disappears sometimes, forcing me to reset from checkpoint.

There was one puzzle where you have to move a trolley and then crawl through a vent to do a precision jump on the trolley, and if you miss, you die and restart from checkpoint - except the checkpoint is from before you moved the trolley so you have to repeat this over and over, fighting with tedium and the camera angle.

The animations for chasing enemies are appalling and you will often teleport into their hands.

Stadia was a pretty good experience (this is my first game I've finished on the service, and I played this on my free trial so I am very happy I didn't spend £25 on this game), however it is an odd choice to have such a darkly-lit game on the service, since the compression crushes the blacks and causes lots of visual artifacts. The input delay was very low and I don't think I failed any platforming due to it.

after 5 years I have finally caught up to the current patch (just in time for Endwalker to set me back again, oh well).

The dungeons and raids are fantastic. Not too many complaints there.

However, if you want me to be invested in your story cutscenes you they need to be way more fluid. I'm sick of long, stiff animations and a 5 second delay for the next text box to appear.

Saying that, I am excited to finish off the raids I missed and play Endwalker.

Was my first Fire Emblem (played in 2018-ish) and made me want to play some of the other entries, so mission accomplished.

I can't imagine playing this without a guide, I do not have the patience for that >.<

I really enjoyed being able to name and customise my characters, as well as the class change system (which reminds me a lot of Fire Emblems promotion system).

Destruction Derby and that one mini-game where you have launch your corpse as far as possible slaps.