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Un jour je serai de retour près de toi.

The art style is so visually offensive that it takes a true genius to make something this deranged.

Motion controls make this game unplayable left handed. Gritty art style really did not age well. Music is good but it always is in Zelda games.

Unfortunately, without the privilege of nostalgia, it's difficult to say this entry in the Zelda series holds up as well as the other classic 3D Zelda games.

The best thing about this game is it's visuals. They have aged much more gracefully than the realistic style of Twilight Princess and for that, visually at least, the game feels timeless. It's clear to me, as someone looking back on the Zelda series, that this was the right direction for the games art style.

As for the game itself, it's obvious to me that Wind Waker is half baked. The overworld feels barren, the latter dungeons are unpolished, and the Triforce quest feels padded. The game is almost annoyingly easy. By the Wind Temple the game is throwing rooms and rooms of enemies at you and the most damage they will do is half a heart then drop so many hearts on death that it feels almost impossible to die. For me, the idea of Wind Waker is better than the actual game. A timeless art style with the freedom to explore a vast sea of possibilities was always better in my mind than it's actual execution.

If a perfect video game exists it’s Minecraft. It truly captures the best interactive media can be. Minecraft is a game with true freedom. The biggest obstacle is your own imagination. If you approach video games as a list of tasks to follow and complete, then Minecraft will bore you in less than 10 hours. If you come to video games for the agency they give, then nothing comes close to this game.

I keep thinking about this game even 5 years after I first played it. I don’t know that any game that has stuck with me emotionally as much as Outer Wilds. I genuinely think this game has helped me come to terms with death.