Beaten on the highest difficulty with 3 gold stars and in just under 9.5 hours. I don't really know what to say about this game, and I don't really think anything could give it proper justification with how much it means to me. But - no exaggeration - every time I replay it, I end up appreciating it even more. It's genuinely incredible how this game really encapsulates pure fun. All I know for a factct is that I could not possibly be more excited for Heist 2 :)

It absolutely can't be overstated how formative this game was to me as a kid. Bias aside, I can't think of many things it doesn't do well at. It's an experimental metroidvania, and while Dig 2 becomes a full-fledged one using the excellent foundations here, the core gameplay of Dig 1 is so solid that I almost prefer it at times. Only wish is that it was longer and maybe a little more replayable, but that's what Dig 2 is for. Get it now while it's on sale for a dirt cheap price :)

Despite a few issues, mostly on the technical side, I really like this game. Wish the text font and camera were a bit better but other than that I have no complaints. I absolutely love the aestethics otherwise. Guess I wish I was better at the game so I had more of a reason to revisit and improve lol, but it's a strong recommend if you like platformers or have sentimental attachment to, like, weird PSP games.

Someday I'll give this game the review it deserves.
For now, I'll just say it's the most unfortunately influential piece of media in my life, probably. Play it if you read Homestuck, or if you didn't but know what happened to the fandom circa 2020... or if you're a communist I guess.

UPDATE: The game is now free. No reason to not check it out! :)

This was my GOTY for 2023. Forget everything you thought was hype about Palworld, this is THE monster catcher that Pokémon should take after. Play it yourself, more than any other game on my profile. Seriously.

Got absolutely enraptured by this. Keeps all the good parts of gen 1 jank and adds more onto it. I say "add" and not "fix" because there are still some things that aren't exactly functional... but to be honest that's the way I like it.

Maybe the most official-feeling fan game I've ever played. Absolutely recommend if you love Toby's works.

Takes a bit of everything from the older MegaTen games and puts a fresh spin on most of it. If you like dungeon crawlers it's absolutely an easy instant recommend. Heck, if you just like RPGs and the customization of SMT, I still recommend it in a heartbeat. The fact that it's so cheap is a huge bonus too.

Also, Sumireko is literally me.