6 reviews liked by MegaVania

Weakest part of this remake is how they made the crowd quieter

My personal favorite 3d Mario. It still holds up compared to Odyssey in my opinion.

I have 100% this game, very good 10/10 reccomend

this game is like having your balls kicked over and over for 5 hours straight with some of the best music you've ever heard playing the background

What a great and fun game. Got mostly good things to say about it so i'll start with the elephant in the long hallway: yes the game has a bunch of unnecessarily long hallways and while personally they were a mild annoyance, i can't blame others who dislike these. That being said, rest assured that the game offers interconnected areas, shortcuts and places you'll come back to since one of the main mechanics (ID) also act as "keys" to other new areas, and lastly the story is kinda meh but it has its moments and something about Hector's heroic attitude and language that i simply can't get enough of. Now what does it do well? Well for starters, the melee combat with summons is such a delight, every summon has a different purpose inside and outside the battle, you got heal summons, sword summon, magic summon. Bosses are incredibly fun and they're consistently fair, now if you're afraid of them being easy do not fret as you can add a new layer of challenge in the form of stealing. Stealing is a mechanic that will net you some rare material which brings me to crafting which to be frank can be a bit convoluted at first but at the same time its so vast that you can create some unique weapons/armor with the right materials. Music is just splendid, magnificent, and other words i can think of to praise it. Overall, it was such a fun experience that i wasn't expecting to enjoy it so much.