Never have I EVER felt this tired, sweaty, scared, angry(and a good way) at a video game in my FUCKING LIFE. I loved it. I played back in early 2021 cuz it was free with Horizon zero Dawn and abzu. I dropped the game and figured I would come back to it later. A year later- Since Saints Row reboot is coming out in a couple of days, I figured I can finish a couple of games on my backlog because I have nothing to do but wait for Saints Row to come out. I'm kind of disappointed that I waited this long to experience this game.

Spoilers Ahead***

As I was playing the game I kind of got into the Rhythm but around level 5 on to seven, I was kind of just going through it. Level 8 is when it clicked how fun this is and I hade to stop worrying about the music and focus on my raw reaction time, technicality and zone into this game. Level 9 is amazing finale but level 9-27, 28 and ♾ is one of the GREATEST finales I have ever experienced in gaming. It f* with my perception of music and the Impossible speed up to level Infinity was suffocating(in a good way)
Level Infinity scared me. I never had a finale catch me THAT off guard before to where I had to pause the game and laughed because I genuinely got jump scared. It turns everything about music on its head and says you just have to beat this and essentially break the game to win. Music is such a powerful tool and sometimes warping it beyond recognition when done well, it can you one of the most satisfying, coolest and the most exhilarating feelings that the human body can experience. I never had a game make you feel this way and I'm so glad that I finished it.

I think most people say this game is masterpiece bc you stopped the same drivel. 2k, ea, ubisoft, you stopped playing the same tired old game and play something that actually challenged you. I play games on hard, I dont see anything special about this.

I already didnt like toko, this made me fucking hate her. I dont know how anyone likes her as a character.

This in the shadowrun trilogy is my favorite, glorys sidequest is the best sidequest in this game

Its an ok start to the trilogy, the next two after this are better


I finished the main campaign, one of the missions in the bonus campaign broke and it wouldnt end, although this game was alright

I usually dont play kid games, but this was honestly a fun platformer. Felt like watching an episode of spongebob. I enjoyed the music as well as some jokes

Amazing mmo it got me into star trek. I wish they would overhaul this entire game though cause its showing its age.

Tried to like this game, but this was just boring

It was a fine game but I think its massivley overrated

One of the best rpgs I played in the 2010's

One of the best rpg's I've played

People shit on this game alot. But this game mastered the art of having conversation in first person view that makes it feel real.