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More Judgment and a step up in a lot of ways but not every way. I think the first game's story is better because it's not as messy, there are less elements at play, and it's way more personal to Yagami as a character. It's not a bad story by any means, but I feel like they could've removed some elements to make it easier to follow. I do really like how they treated the topic of bullying. It's handled with such reverence which is good. It's a topic that a lot of people will resonate with and it's good that it's not treated lightly. The antagonists were also very well written and it was hard to not empathize. Content wise, this might be the tightest RGG game yet. Every RGG game has a billion minigames but they dont do the best job at incentivizing the player to do them. School stories in Lost solves that problem. An overarching narrative surrounding the minigames is a great incentive. Judge Eyes did some different stuff from Yakuza in terms of side content and it's cool but overall there was a lot of padding to the side cases and friendships. Here they're just school stories and side cases that feel the same as substories in Yakuza. Less unique but still good. Overall, I do think I liked the first more. Lost is probably the better game but the first one's story was more intriguing of a premise and more concise, as well as the fact that it was coming off of Yakuza 6. It was so fresh for RGG games and that freshness isn't here sadly. Also the combat is super fun. I do think the styles have less utility than the styles in Yakuza 0 or Ishin but they're all super fun to use. The combat in Judge Eyes was tightened up immensely and its the best combat since they started using the Dragon Engine.

All that to say, I think this is one of the best games of 2021 and that I immensely enjoyed playing it. It's RGG at their best. Toshihiro Nagoshi went out with a home run.

This is not a good game. The open world is horribly designed and everything the story tried to throw at me with attempts at caring about certain characters failed miserably. It's like I was simply told I should be invested with no other reason. I liked the four main characters but that can only last so long.

Prime 1 is one of my favorite games ever and I was not a fan of Prime 2 as much. 3 is excellent. Compared to 2, it didn't frustrate me a lot with its design. I do think the planets and pacing could be improved but otherwise, I really liked it.

One of the best survival horror games I've ever played. I haven't played the original to completion but my god is this game just excellent. It completely nails the vibe of space being fuckin scary. I really hope 2 gets a remake with as good of a treatment.

I really only played this one because I love Remix 10 in this game. I should've played this before Megamix because most if not all of the games in this are available in that. Still, fun game.

This game is genuinely fantastic. On par with Spiderman in terms of superhero games imo. The gameplay was average, fun but nothing special, but the story/dialogue was great and sheer amount of it was quite impressive. I highly recommend it.

This game is just awesome. I vastly prefer 2 over Crysis 1 because it's so much more of a focused game. The incredibly obtuse, hard, stupid sci-fi plot is amazing and I love it. Mechanically, it's much more engaging than a lot of FPS's at the time.

This is a really dope shooter. Its got so much cool stuff going on. Wall running, time slowdown, destructible environments, grabbing guns off of enemies, it's really cool. Could definitely use some polish but I loved it a lot otherwise.

It's insane how by 2018, a Tetris game can still impress. It's not my favorite version of Tetris, that still probably goes to Puyo Tetris 2 due to its features but Effect is such an incredible experience just as replayable as any other Tetris game.

It's got a lot of strengths in combat and story, but with that, the open world felt dated. I felt there was little to tie the missions, the progression, and the checklist quests together. The DLC was the best part of the game and I'm looking forward to FW.

Not really anything huge, super short tech demo but I love this so much. It adds weird lore to the portal universe and I love it for that.

This game is very bad. It has TONS of potential, from every aspect. The premise of what this game is and what it sets out to do could make for a great Sonic game but it falls flat on execution and level design.

Idk. Saw a youtube video by DougDoug about Peggle controlled by Twitch chat and thought "hey that looks kinda fun" and it IS fun. The game does a good job at getting that dopamine response going. Fun little time waster.

(Specifically the Switch version) It's been a while since I replayed Portal 1 and doing it again was so much fun. It has so much charm and the puzzles are all a blast to go through. The gyro on the switch could be better. I think all gyro aiming games should have a center button. Still a great game.

Really fun fighting game. The way it handles inputs makes the long strings and combos way more approachable than something like MVC. All of the characters are super cool too. Definitely recommend it.