Watched my wife play this, Fell asleep thorough most of it and she told me it was one of the worst games she's ever played.

Horrible level design where your just running away from a ghost collecting notes, Your person walks and turns like she has a broom up her ass, and the story is all about teen drama garbage. "I hate my friend because she has more followers than I do on Instagram so I'm going to un-alive myself." - (I'm not kidding.)

I haven't played any other Silent Hill games so I can't compare to the others but if this Is the direction they are taking the franchise in... YIKES. They need to sell their IPs because between this and Metal Gear Survive, Konami crealy has no idea what to do with them.

P.T. was leagues above this with atmosphere, tension and story.

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The first game's story and characters were fantastic, this game tries everything in its power to undo that development... Like how does Ellie not pick up the PS Vita?? That's not Ellie.

Kills Joel in the most stupidest way possible. (30+ Years of Hardened Survival Experience) "HI, I jOeL dAT mY BRuthER ToMmi We hAve CamP oveR thEre."

And Abby? Dogshit. They tried sooo hard to make you feel for her, it was hilarious watching her die as I killed her on purpose many times. What a shitty pandered character.

Gameplay was more brutal and responsive than the first which I actually enjoyed. Other than that. Screw this game, This shit ain't cannon.

Gun Game.
That's it, nothing else matters.


An excellent example on how to resurrect an ip, Kicking ass to some kick-ass music with tight level design from start to finish.

Best game in the franchise. Great artstyle, With an ingenious mechanic.


GTA in school format, what could go wrong?

Surprisingly very little, instead they gave us a more light-hearted story compared to GTA where guns are replaced with a slingshot and other fun weapons such as a marble trap and firecrackers. Fun character interactions with an engaging story you'll blast right through.

The gameplay was way more interactive than I initially thought, fun combat with a cool way to level up your skills; you have to attend your classes which are simplistic minigames and you are awarded even more depending on your grades.

Overall the game is just FUN, most modern games lack this nowadays and are more obsessed with politics than telling a fun story. I'm waiting on a Bully 2 set in a college setting. but that'll never happen...

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The gameplay is the same as the first 2 games but more simplified with an added wingsuit for faster travel and an unreliable parry system.

The Story is where everything falls apart.

Venom's plotline could've been better. The "World Domination" trope is so overdone and doesn't fit venom. imagine if Vemon was more like Taskmaster from the first game where he unexpectedly grabs you mid-swing and beats the shit outta you, forcing you to be on your guard throughout the game.

The main thing I can't stand are the MJ Stealth missions, what crack were they smoking bringing them back? and now she's able to one-shot the same enemies Peter or Miles would have to use a full combo to defeat; You know... the characters with SUPER STRENGH? it breaks the immersion, especially when they changed her character model to be a self-insert of one of the writers. Yikes

Overall instead of wasting time trying so hard to prop up Manly Jaw Wattson as a gurl boss who need no man, that time could've went to devolping Harry's inner turmoil with venom. (playing as venom in more sections)

Fantastic story with charming characters, from the very beginning of the game it gripped me with "that" emotional scene, ever since then I wanted to see where Joel's adventure would take him next and was not disappointed. Satisfying ending.

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It's a fun adventure with plenty to do but wish it was a little more condensed. Story is basic.. There's a bad guy. Stop him.

> Voice acting is great

> Animations are great

> Transmog👌

> Sound effects and Music are fantastic.

> Hogwarts itself Is fully explroable

> You can fly all over the map with your broom

> You can learn AVADA KADAVRA!

> your choices don't matter...

> played on hard and the combat is way too easy. Didn't have to use defensive potions throughout the entire game

> Classes are just cutscences (sometimes your character isn't even in them)

> You get avada kerdava at the very end of the game with no one to use it on.

> No Quidditch

Overall if they reviewed everyone's feedback for a sequel: I'm sure that game would be great!

The peak of Gacha slop. Repetitive gameplay with a horrid Grindfest level system; your upgrades will need upgrades but to get these upgrades you'll need to upgrade the world and even then the upgrade recourses are set on "RNG" so most of the time the monsters won't drop what you need.

You'll be fighting the same 7 monster types every day to potentially get a single level on 1 peice of gear.

Then they'll dangle these average looking Anime characters to intice you to spend money on the lootbox system. They all have the same body type, hairstyle and there's only 2 darker skinned characters. Wow, what a bargain.

This is what a sequel should be. A refined version of its predecessor, Improving in virtually every aspect.

The gameplay is fast and responsive with plenty environments and challenges, Donald and Goofy are so lovable!

Beating Sephiroth was one of my greatest gaming achievements as kid. So intense.

Ever wanted to play pokémon battles as they do in the Anime? This is it. it's really fun and rewarding to master.

Tekken + Pokémon = Greatness
Had a blast being able to jump online with my favorite pokémon (Garchomp) and beat some ass!

Also, Magikarp Festival

Back when COD was in it's Prime.

Cesspool infested lobbies, quick gameplay and countless great times to be had with randos and friends. That is until the cheats attacked and everything vanished.

One of those games were you had to be there in that era to experience.

Because I never got to experience the original back in the day I picked this up In a heartbeat to see what everyone was talking about...

Was it good? Let's just say this was the gateway drug to Zelda for me. After playing I went out and collected all the other games. Worth it.

This game is not the full Yu-Gi-Oh experience, it's a faster paced mode with fewer life points and limited board size.

To get the full experience of losing on your first turn, try Master Duel.