Rhythm Heaven meets Professor Layton! Unfortunately, it can’t seem to outshine either.

Put this game on at a party, and watch your rhythmic friends pick it up with ease.

Kind of incredible, in a lot of really weird ways!

Stopped playing around halfway through the DLC to finish the game and move onto other things. Surprised by how much I enjoy FromSoft's other stuff more.

I am not immune to internet hype, especially when it's exactly the kind of game I've been looking for. The last few hours are magical.

My late night arcade love. Video games have never made more sense.

The new stuff has some of my favorite writing from Dingaling. Besides that, just as charming as I remembered. By the end I was reexamining my own familial relationships in a way I didn't think possible. Don't forget me.

None of the Final Fantasy secret sauce to break up the monotonous gameplay and generic plot. Where are my fun minigames?

The most Shin Megami Tensei adjacent Mario & Luigi game.

a video game containing more soul than ever thought possible

i was the real serge all along

more than the sum of its parts