probably fun with real people! but the arcade cpus are fucking dreadful

I played through the first boss, it was eh

a sandbox where you use a wiki to summon abominations to kill

There's not a ton of side content besides the core gameplay loop of explore for shrines and korok seeds with the occasional enemy camp, but that in itself is enough in itself to captivate you for hours.

I like the stamina bar system restricting the player from doing things too crazy until they've tricked themselves out in spirit stones and equipment and while I normally hate weapon durability mechanics I surprisingly liked it here because of how many weapons the game is constantly throwing at you

Not a fan of zelda stories they aren't much but a dressing for the gameplay and that's good enough for me, feel like they tried to make me care a bit with the kass songs and memory spots and I just didn't care enough to be invested.

good game.

glad I did all the character quests before the halfway point (thought that portal thing would be the final bit of the game lol)
after that point though the game becomes far more frustrating than it is fun and I don't care about the story enough to finish cheesing everything out by hoping I get the app that'll make my weapon the size of the room

the saltine cracker of open world crime games

Really debuff focused, battles kind of slog and I'm not really engaged with stacking debuffs for 10 minutes I wanna do crazy damage, the cat creature I tried to make a crit build with just doesn't synergize with how the game works.

Exploration is, whatever? Like every metroidvania I've played has done it better, and it's simply not engaging enough for me to do for the sake of it, which seems to be the case here considering the plot is so barebones that it might as well not be there

Considering I got it in a humble monthly it was fun enough for the 4.5 hours I put in but I really do not want to finish this

gonna have to give it a certified shit score until I can get it to fucking work

I've experienced so much sexual tension playing the funny bean person game

if there was a good guide for this game I'd enjoy it probably I could only get midway through floor 2 by myself

Asuka: Wow that was so cool how you blasted the hell out of him and blood sprayed all over the ground, the walls and everyone!! I am so impressed!! (Wink)


Feels too floaty and clunky for me to like it

hate the plane and boat segments I just want to race cars