VERY cool idea, but the execution really falls flat imo.

It basically dumps everything on you at once after you finish the introduction, and then you just play the rest of the game on the same levels and with the same weapons for like 13 hours until it ends, which gets boring REALLY fast.

The gameplay is pretty fun and smooth, but not much of an improvement from Dishonored, and definitely not enough to make up for the monotonous levels.

The gameplay is much better than the first, but the story is a little lacking imo. Still a fantastic game, since the first was so good, and this is an improvement in most departments.

Really fun game with good story, but the platforming dream sequences with slowed movement are some of the worst levels I have ever played in a game.

But the rest of the game is great, and has some of the best voice acting ever.

A fine game, though you do spend the majority of it slowly walking between locations unless you built your character correctly (or until you get the Boots of Blinding Speed).

I have no problem with the combat, and I enjoy the wealth of different conversation topics that the NPCs have, even if most of them are shared between all of them.

I did enjoy not having map markers, and it made for a great change of pace compared to modern games. Having to actually use directions to find my way to the next objective was very fun, and it really made me feel like I was exploring and trying to find my way, instead of mindlessly following a marker that magically shows my character where to go.

Overall, still a fun game today, and I can imagine how good it was twenty years ago.

With mods, one of the greatest games of all time. It is a fine game on its own, but it is a blank slate, ready to be changed into anything that you want. You want souls-like combat? Go for it. You want a farming sim or a house builder? Sure. You want to turn it into a zombie FPS? Why not? Anything you want can be achieved, and you can create your perfect RPG though over a decade of community effort, something that I think is very special.

Very repetitive and bland game imo. Started out okay, but quickly felt like I was just doing the same things over and over again. Unpolished, janky animations to go along with low quality sound design. Feels like they had a good premise, but went too far in the direction of Assassin's Creed instead of trying something different.

One of the most atmospheric games of all time. I cannot think of another game that took a setting other than land and made so much out of it. Though it is unpolished and glitches remain, I still applaud what was done.

This game, while not explicitly a horror game, invokes a great feeling of unease that no horror game has ever done for me. This is very impressive, since many horror games have basically no gameplay at all, and are just walking simulators designed with the sole purpose of scaring you. Not only does this game do a better job in the horror aspect, but it also has a very satisfying gameplay loop that never drags in any sections; you constantly feel as though you are actively discovering new places and pushing the boundaries of what you can do at almost any given moment.

Fun for a little while, but get's kinda repetitive and lacks a substantial story.

Fun game, although the writing and some of the RPG elements left a little to be desired.

The weapon and armor mod system and settlement building were fantastic additions to the game.

A very fun game. I never played the first two games, so I was experiencing this type of game for the first time when playing this. Great shooting and gameplay mechanics. I also love the camera cuts and stylistic choices made in the game; it made it feels special.

While the story was pretty basic, it was a very fun game.

Another fantastic Yakuza game. While the story in this game is a bit weaker than in Yakuza 0 and Kiwami, the gameplay is by far the best in the series - I'm a sucker for ragdoll physics.

A masterpiece of a game. The combat felt great, and the story was amazing. The minigames are great, and the characters are interesting. Almost a perfect game in my opinion.

Very good game. I would stay it's just a step under Yakuza 0, but that probably is because I played it first, and the combat systems are basically identical between the two, so it began to feel a bit repetitive.

Not a very great game in my opinion. Which is quite sad, because every other Yakuza game I played before this was great.

The combat was not very fun, since the enemies don't stop blocking and dodging. I also didn't really like the setting of Okinawa that much; it didn't feel important. The story was overly confusing for how little I was interested in it.

It's really hard to describe how much I like this game. The gameplay just feels phenomenal. There are many additions made from the first game that add greatly to the experience - such as adding the ability to go prone. The fights feel realistic as well. I'm trying not to sound too edgy, but the way that many of the enemies try to talk their way out of you killing them really makes them feel like actual people, instead of just dummies placed there for you to kill.

The story, in my opinion, was also great. I know it didn't hit with some people, but the idea of letting a character become hated before giving the player a look into their story and motives was a very bold move. It felt so cool that each protagonist was the antagonist of the other's story.

Overall, this game was just such a fantastic combination of gameplay and story.