14 reviews liked by Mintex

AC1 mal wieder durchgespielt. Mein mittlerweile dritter voller Playthrough und ich muss sagen, ich mag die Reihe einfach nur noch mehr.

Teil 1 hat definitiv seine Schwächen, sowohl im Design, im Balancing, als auch besonders in der Kamera.
Ohhh, diese Kamera. In der Zeit kein seltenes Problem, aber wer kam bitte auf die Idee, dass dein Fadenkreuz off-screen ist? Wer dachte das ist okay? Und das zieht sich natürlich durch die gesamte Ps1-Trilogie!

Ansonsten kränkelt das Spiel häufig durch nicht so gute Leveldesigns. Viele Kämpfe finden in ewig langen Gängen ohne Deckung oder Möglichkeit zu manövrieren statt und durch die Länge der Missionen und die Munition die man braucht, wird man früher oder später in einen Build getrieben der die menge an Munition auch tragen kann.

Aber der größte "Kritikpunkt" den man eigentlich haben kann, ist, dass man nur noch mehr möchte. Mehr Abwechslung, mehr Gameplay, mehr Mechaniken, mehr Variation in Builds.
AC1 hatte eine Vision die man fast bis zum Ende hin großartig durchgezogen hat und bei der so vieles perfekt ineinandergreift - und das direkt im ersten Versuch.
Gerade wenn man bedenkt wie viele Startversuche Kings Field brauchte, nur um im dritten und vierten Anlauf immer noch nicht richtig in Fahrt zu kommen, hat Armored Core das Spiel schon im ersten Versuch umrundet.

Mag das Spiel und die ganze Reihe sehr.

Still one of the best games I've ever played in my life. Fuck Microsoft.

RIP Tango thanks for making the best character action game ever.

I hope I’m not clouded by nostalgia when I think of Tomodachi Life, but I can’t talk about this game without talking about the feeling of opening my 3DS in the car on the way to school. In a rush of adrenaline to get to those pink windows, I’d quickly collect coins at the fountain before trying to quickly set two Miis up together before the bell rang for class.

As a kid, this game gave me something to look forward to every morning, and the comedy of it only grew with me watching Vinny’s playthrough. Nintendo Switch Pro when?

Embraces open-world excess in a way that undercuts Breath of the Wild's more meditative appeal and turns into a far more uneven experience as a result, but all the new shit it does attempt is SO peak that it sorta evens out.

My friend Heather once said about Katamari Damacy that it's a game about interesting sensations rather than interesting obstacles and the way Tears of the Kingdom lets you interact with space, objects and materials is something I promise you've never quite sensed in a video game before.

Wow man, just wow. I'm genuinely at a loss for words. What a masterpiece of a videogame. It completely exceeded my expectations. This is for sure my favourite Persona game.

The combat is great and as fun as ever. The music still slaps. The social links do have some stinkers among them but the majority of them are straight up the best ones in the series so that balances it out for me.

In terms of the characters. I still don't know if I like S.E.E.S. or the Investigation Team better but this cast is just amazing. The growth and development they experience throughout the game is so well executed. They're practically completely different people by the end and it's just amazing to see.

The story is straight up the best in the series. I don't want to talk about it too much further for the sake of spoilers but it's an absolute emotional roller coaster. The final month of the game especially really ties all the game's themes together in an incredibly satisfying way.

Lastly, I want to talk about the ending real quick SO SPOILERS FROM THIS POINT ONWARDS REAL QUICK

Going in I already knew the protagonist was going to die at the end. But that did not make the moment hit any less hard for me. I'm usually not the type to cry over a movie or video game. It's just not something that has ever really happened to me. I've come close though. But the ending to this game was the thing to finally do it. I just could not help myself. Everything about the ending is just perfect... From Aigis' absolutely beautiful monologue to the scenery and music. It's all left me absolutely floored.

I think I've said enough at this point. I'm so incredibly happy was finally able to experience this wild ride of a videogame. And I will for sure cherish this experience for many years to come...

This review contains spoilers

Persona 3 Reload pretty much adds on to what made the original so great, while putting a spin on gameplay mechanics and features. It’s a game that takes the gameplay of Persona 5 Royal and adds super attacks like Theurgy that really help against the bosses in Tartarus. Fuuka’s nav abilities are also a great addition to help through battles and getting through the floors quickly.

The story is largely unchanged aside from the new hangouts with the male members of S.E.E.S. and the nighttime activities that help add abilities in combat. There’s a few new opportunities to learn more about Strega and their backstory and motivations which is really cool and helps make Strega far more interesting. You get a look into the relationship of Takaya and Jin and it makes the ending of the game hit even harder than it does.

Speaking of the ending, the decision to make certain parts of the game cutscenes and certain parts animated was really good and the emotional beats are better for it. Shinjiro’s death was insanely well done as a cutscene rather than it being animated. I genuinely didn’t think they could top the hectic nature of the animation of that scene in the original game but they absolutely nailed it by having Akihiko hold Shinjiro’s hand as he lay in his arms. As a matter of fact, several of the scenes that used actual in game models in place of animation made the game feel more emotional for people that played the original game.

By the end of the game, I was a mess and it was progressively getting more and more sad as my journey was coming to a close. Many times when you play a video game, you tend to get swallowed up into its world and characters, especially when playing JRPGs. The experience I had with this remake of Persona 3 was very special and it lived it to every expectation I had of it and then some. If you are a fan of the new Persona games, this game is specifically designed for you and its themes are a great shock to the system from those of Persona 4 and 5. Just a wonderful experience that everyone that has the time should play at least once.