The art is cute but kind of bare-bones. The puzzles make me feel like an idiot to be quite honest. Unlike other similar puzzle games where you can visualize possible solutions once you get a handle on the tricks and mechanics, many of the solutions seem to have to come about through pure guesswork, which I don't find very satisfying.

It's generally nice, but somehow lacks a certain magic that New Leaf has. The hourly music is just kind of meh except for 5am when of course I don't play. There's a lot of quality of life improvements that seem obvious that they still haven't implemented, like being able to craft more than one of an item (fishing bait!!) and/or being able to craft from items in your house's storage.

At the same time I can't remember what the heck I did all day in New Leaf when you couldn't even place furniture outside.

I still check in every now and then but I suspect I'll be back for longer when they bring Brewster back in an update.

literally broke my ps4 optical drive thanks to it causing a hard system crash while playing 👍

Would probably give it 5 stars if it didn't make my PS4 melt any time I was playing.

If you have a PS4 you're better off playing Future Tone, the extra songs included in Mega Mix are available as DLC on FT. The load times in the Switch port are insane, and generally it's harder to play on even a switch pro controller compared to a dualshock (on the extreme difficulties).

don't think I ever finished it, but always had fun replaying up until whatever mission I got stuck on. what a stupidly difficult game sometimes though

Revisited this for the nostalgia hit recently and it wasn't as bad as I was expecting it was going to be. Mindless fun.

It's nuts that this game is so different across all the different console versions. I enjoyed the gamecube version and still do for the nostalgia hit, but playing any of the others fresh would probably be a janky experience for me.

only played for the chao garden tbh

Destroyed the sticks on my controllers thanks to this game. Good times.