Wasted a lot of time obsessing over how to make the most money possible. Not even sure if there are other people in the town.

This game felt broken towards the very end. I think there was so much content on the disc it like couldn't handle it by the end. I liked how permanent the choices you made felt and it is a very cool time to play from this save file into the other games in the series. It honestly is the best part about this game.

Very cute game that was a great first game to play with my girlfriend. This game was very long which was a hinder at times but ultimately my girlfriend had a good time.

Interesting game that was fun to work through with a pen and paper taking notes. Finished it all in one session but had to look online for a summary of the story once we finished to make sure we didn't miss anything.

Back when I was a kid who couldn't read this was my favorite thing ever.

Played this as a kid and had a lot of fun with it. I am still scared of the thing in the first level's attic to this day...


I picked it up on sale and didn't know anything about it. I am a huge fan of this game. I really enjoy atmosphere that is created by the music and beautiful visuals. It truly is a work of art and I'm glad to have experienced it.

Really ended up enjoying this game by the end. It's a shame that all you have to do fully enjoy it is to watch the movie, then watch the anime all at the right parts of the game to really understand what's going on.

Top tier fighting game in my book. Really enjoyed this game when I was a kid even though I remember not having any of the characters because they always got reset for some reason.

That one level were you have to follow the creek to the end was so hard that it's basically the only memory I have of this game.

Don't really remember the combat all that much but the mini games are top tier.

Had a lot of fun with this game back in the day. It only had 3 maps but I think the simplicity really made it enjoyable. Flying the plane felt very good and sniping people from the top of the maps was a lot of fun.

This was one of my favorite games during my childhood. I loved the format of traveling to Disney worlds and meeting all the characters. The opening song was one of the first songs on my mp3 player. I recently played it this year with my girlfriend and it was still very enjoyable to go through.

Was not aware that the side quests expired when you progress though the main story. I was like yeah sure "school is being attacked and need help" I'll come after a few missions. Then couldn't find the mission in the mission select and then came across an email that said they all died and maybe a ship got out but was unsure if any made it and it basically traumatized me. I don't think I played the game after that because I felt so bad lol.

Got this for free because PSN got hacked as a "sorry" gift. I played this all the way through twice to do both the good and bad endings. Game was alright but got old by the second time around.

I also am still bitter about not getting the final achievement on the second play through. Pro tip: if you need to get an achievement that needs you to kill people to level up or beat so many of them, you should then NOT remove all the spawn points for the bad guys before you get the achievement. Learned that the hard way. Still putting 100% anyways. Fight me.