Atlus Ranked

Games I've played and finish so far from them.

Finally a game that isn't Persona or a SMT title. Climibing towers to either save your marriage or virginity. Hope Atlus makes more experimental games like these in the future, outside of RPGs.
Says Portable but it launched on home consoles. Can't get more portable than that, oops. Jokes aside, this adaptation of Persona 3 isn't the best for a home console release. Or probably just don't like Persona at all.
It is Persona 3 made for modern audiences, which means they "fixed" or rather change some aspects that were jarring in the original release. It takes the best aspects of Persona 3, the story and setting with the improvements made on Persona 5, gameplay and visual flair. Love it.
Happy murder mysteries. Love the setting, the music and specially Kanji. But, the game wasn't made for me, I understand that. That is why is so low. Adachi is funny goofball.
I'm a little ashamed to say I didn't play Maruki's Arc part of Royal, though I did every piece of the side content avaible. Not because I didn't want to, because I didn't had enough time to max rank his social link. Nothing that blew my mind personally, but it was fun while it lasted.
More in line with classic RPG's from the era, your Final Fantasies and such more so than the classic SMT demon formula. Great game that falls short by the end just for sequel bait. Some QOL would have been nice too.
It does complement Digital Devil Saga 1. DDS2 specially is story heavy for a MegaTen game, it does not dissapoint but I had the feeling that there wasn't much room to pack this huge story in one single game. Like, there are missing pieces but it is better than the first game in most aspects and worse in others.
Decent remaster, fixes stuff, breaks others. Probably the best way to experiece if you are a newcomer. It's still Nocturne at heart with QOL enhancements and great mods that unlock all of it's potential on PC.
If you ask me where is the best game to start with the SMT franchise, I'd say this one is a safe bet. Exploration is a hit or miss, but the combat is solid.
SMT x Persona. Take the worst aspects of Persona and mix it with the best aspects of SMT. Love the improvements from SMT IV and how it expands the combat and some of the exploration while still flawed is more fun to traverse through Tokyo.
Still, it is a nothing burguer for me. Dagda and the Anarchy ending were interesting at least.
Perfect...of course not. But ticks everything that I like in a game, specially an SMT game this being my first. I'm yet to play the older ones, but as it stands this is my favorite of the bunch.
Hard as nails dungeon crawler. I love it for the very same reasons I love Nocturne, just this game is scaled back due to you know being on the DS. Terrifying setting, space is scary now mix it with dungeon crawler mechanics deadly traps, demons and people going mad I can't be any happier to be here. Endings are as basic as they get, but the adventure is top notch.
Another remaster. Makes stuff really damn easy, if you want a challenge go for the original. The side content is not bad either, but it's the the reason why I like Strange Journey.


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