The best Sonic game to this date

Trippy framerate and only 4:3 aspect ratio? Rough times to be a Mario Party fan.

Otherwise decent entry that forced the Wiimote gimmick.

I love it, I won't say it's very good though.

It has a lot of charm and love. I think that's a tradition with Nintendo RPGs.

I though this game was good as a kid...

Overall a exquisite simple RPG. A natural evolution of Paper Mario for the Nintendo 64.

As always. Charming and loveable.

Alright, my favorite in the Paper Series. Being the first one. A bit better than TTYD in my opinion.

Everything is so charming and loveable.

Decent collection, doesn't add much of value other than the digital books and the selection menu. The games play well but for being emulated it's not the quality I expected.

Also missing games, Castlevania X could have been a good addition (Super Nintendo version of Rondo of Blood) as the original was in CD format and the music took up about 75% of the disc space, although I doubt it would have made space issue in this collection. Or the same SOTN, but knowing how they are, they will release it in a separate collection.

There are still the errors of the games, nothing was changed in general, the only merit is Kid Dracula that in itself does not have much text to translate to begin with (it's something like a patch that you can easily find on the internet), the same slowdown, when it blinks because of the limit of sprites. Everything remains the same.

You can't change the keys on PC to your liking either, this also happens on consoles because of the lack of such a menu, preferable to play it with controller, if possible.

In conclusion, a decent collection.

Very good expansion to Half Life 2. It doesn't add much to the main lore other than Gordon and Alyx trying to get out of City 17 to then start Episode 2.

You're going to spend it in dark areas and the flashlight is still next to the running bar. It wears out pretty quickly in that regard.
The reactor area is a bit confusing, if you get lost there at least I consider it normal.

But it's a very good expansion just the same. It's more Half Life 2 more focused on narrow areas and it's more linear than the original Half Life 2, not to mention it's also shorter.

Pixel proving once again that you can do something very good with simple concepts. It doesn't quite reach the masterpiece that is Cave Story. But it is still something of very high quality, I emphasize being something very simple but made with a lot of love and care.

A very good game. Although it sins a lot of trial and error with some cheap traps, it makes up for it with a very precise gameplay at least when it comes to controlling it. It gives you the freedom to do what you want with whoever you want the way you want, it's linear and simple but you are given many options.

The story is simple but effective, almost the opposite of the 2 (I'm not saying that the 2 is bad, but it's harder to understand than this one). The situations you are put in are varied, it's not always a room full of enemies that you have to kill.
They vary the position, the shooting place where you are, the effective weapons to use, and such.


Very good collection, but beware. These are not the Neogeo games like Metal Slug, KOF or Samurai Shodown. Rather they are the predecessor games to that mythical arcade board.

It includes both arcade games with their Japanese versions, as well as some ports that were made to consoles of certain games. As always Digital Eclipse making wonderful collections, nothing that surprises me and it is a very well done work. With artworks, unpublished images, information, etc.

Now, the games themselves are just so-so, nothing to highlight for the most part. I'm not saying that the emulation quality is bad, on the contrary. I'm just saying that the games themselves are no big deal even if they are arcade games. I feel that most of them were very experimental or clones of other hits of the time.

Still, it's a worthwhile collection.