Very good game, but what the hell was that ending.

It could've be more realized, but it is what it is. It's very amazing visual wise. Striking. But other than that it kind of falls flat.

I re-created the entire Breaking Bad cast. Just to make them Break their bones Bad™ hehe

Among my favorite games, comfort above anything. I feel happy playing this.

My first approach to the MCU everyone keeps talking about. It's a pretty good game, altrough I would've liked to play as other characters besides Star-Lord (or Peter Quill).

The story is nice, the dialogue is abudant: Characters can't shut up. The voice acting is great though, it carries through all the game. You don't need a galaxy brain to finish this game either, all good. The characters are charming, it's what shines in this game.

If I had to say a bad thing about this game is the combat; it isn't very good. It gets old fast.

Not personally my cup of tea, but it was a fun time. Took me around 10 hours to beat and 15 for all the achievements.

Manly tears were shed.

What a great game. I'm just in love with it. This is a biased review.

Just play it.

Shut down your brain. And enjoy.

Hard to review game. It was my childhood, but looking back it isn't that good on the gameplay front. It does has a lot of content though, a ton-ton.

Tripping, floaty combat, awful online, stupid balancing, and some more killed this game. Altrough some characters like Sonic and Snake were hype worthy at the time.

Subspace is great. No Smash game comes close to a story mode like it. Maybe Melee, but that's it.

It's a fine game otherwise.

I'm happy, and sad at the same time. Moon Berry btw

From the creators of The Evil Within and Ghostwire Tokyo. Yeah, that is true.

This game rocks, oozes style, care and charm. It's fun and it opens up for a lot of possibilities as it goes through. It's not hard either, in fact is very forgiving and the tempo of the song just rewards you more instead of punishing you for not follow the rythm.

It's a fun time. I played it on Gamepass the day it came out and finished it a week later or so, it didn't took me that long. I'm just very slow and wanted to take my time with it.

I love this game, tight controllers, CD quality music, awesome cutscenes, peak level design. Classic Castlevania at it's best.

It's just really good, try it on the Wii or ugh, a thing called PC-Engine CD.

Eh? The exploration is awesome and the little details are great. It's a linear game, but it's still good I'd say. Not the best by a long shot. I just though exploration was nice and some characters were interesting.

Outside of that, New Vegas kills this game. Haven't played the DLC's yet.

Used to play this game a ton back in the day. The shitty PC port published by Ubisoft back in 2007 was my go-to with this game at first. But, because of the reptilian controller scheme I droped it and moved to the PS2 version because a friend had one.

It's still pretty good. It hasn't aged that much and even compared to the remake, it still stands tall. It's fun, funny, it barely makes sense, brutal, tight and just well, a fun adventure to go through.

Fun fact: The spanish in this game, is utterly broken. Ganados voice lines I mean. I can truly say it myself as a native speaker. But it's goofy type funny. They corrected it in the Remake though.

I like this game. In fact I love how shitty it is. It's my favorite Sonic game, in fact.

It's the closest thing we could've had to a Sonic Adventure game. The base is here, the level design is peak Sonic (some better than others). The music altrough not the best, it sure fits everything.

Now, it's beyond broken and Sega could've perfectly have been in a endless sea of lawsuits. But, the game it's good at heart altrough being stupid glitchy and broken. It has a decent fundation and I don't think it's lame. I hate lame games, it's the worst you can do. This game isn't that. It's stupid and I embrace it with open arms.

Agh, I love talking about this disaster. But I'm not like most people, I've played this game at least 13th times. More than any mainline Sonic game including the Genesis ones.

Zebrahead was here too? Awesome. The game still sucks galactic dong, but I love it.

This game isn't very good. But it has a lot of charm and love put into it.

One of my first dissapointments as a kid.

Super Paper Mario is..weird. And..uh weird. But like, good too? The story is oddly strange as well, like a love story from what I can rememeber?

I never understood this game as a kid how this little Mario game had such banger story, I was strangely attracted to it and I finished like three times.

It was a big departure from it's original RPG roots. Now being a platformer with stats and all. It doesn't get much better than that. You can play as several characters, all shown in the cover (Except the evil looking dude).

I think it was the last time Intelligent Systems tried something wild, the rest of the games are lame in comparasion. You'll go from a lizard nerd kingdom, to a depiction of heaven to the end of the world, to hell, to space. It's wild.

Play it at least once, it's sure an experience. But don't expect a good game. Just a goofy weird platform adventure.

It's Yakuza. And a JRPG.

It's RGG first attempt at an JRPG. It's execution could greatly improve but, for what it is it's an incredible transition to the real time combat of the Yakuza series to basically an JRPG through and trough.

A lot of interactivity between combats too. Kind of like the Mario's RPG. Hit an attack at the right time to hit even harder, it never gets old.

It has the good things from Yakuza like the silly activities, the serious crime story. The Job System which is basically a class system it's very good too, giving more depth to this game.

As someone that likes both Yakuza and JRPG it's a very good title. But it has some caveats, the possition where you hit the attacks it's important and the characters move around automatically while on combat. It leads to some hilarious moments and some frustrating ones. Specially Street Battles. Oh and the ending is weird and a bit anticlimatic? I was like: "Uh, sure. That happened".

Ichiban as a character is just amazing man. Like a big buff manchild but with a heart of gold. I still think Kiryu is better though, but we'll have to see in the next game.

In short, it's a great game.