Good game. Altrough it's the first modern one, it holds up in some regards.

I would've like some more QOL features modern Personas have, but it's the PSP version after all.

The Point n' Click nature of this game takes a lot away of the experience while exploring the city. The audio isn't the best, some voices are really bad quality. It was made to fit on a 1GB PSP UMD, not in a whole console release. The AI upscaling can look bad too.

Besides that, it has a good base underneath it's superficial problems.

Took me around 68 hours to complete. Very hyped for Reloaded.

Really good game. But it's not really the masterpiece I've been hearing so much.

Sure, it's great in the gameplay department but it's a tan lame with it's history and some characters being for the most part walking steriotypes compared to P4 which had better characters that felt more special and unique.

The combat is great. A lot of spectacle and little effects. Demon negotiation is here for some reason, it's more basic than in the SMT games but it opens for some interesting possibilities. The social aspect is here and greatly expanded from the past games.

It may be the best in the series, but it's not my favorite.

Awesome. From start to finish. It will kick your ass, hard.

Now with the actual review. It's awesome. The characters altrough there aren't many, are really flesh out on this one. The dudes on the cover are end up being the center of the game as a whole.

The combat system "Smirk" is chaotic to say the least. You may have been winning this whole time but whoops, some demon hit your weakness then you are dead in a blink of a eye. Skill issue.

The OST is godlike, a banger. Everything rocks in this game.

The only sad thing is that is stuck on the 3DS.

Pee on mexicans
Pee on the terrorist
Pee on women
Pee on men
Pee on small people
Pee on animals
Pee on zombies
Pee on dead people
Pee on living people
Pee on the law
Pee on yourself


This game feels like a creepypasta not in a good sense.

The themes and how they work with them are mixed at best. It feels out of touch and a bit edgy for the sake of it. It explores fear, anxiety among other sensations alike.

It starts very good with the MC in the Fantasy World with it's friends were everyone is happy and doing quirky stuff. But then it stops the ride and takes you to the Real World where you are currently in. It sets up a clear division-

This is a Free-Spoiler review so I can't tell much. As I said before the game tackles themes it isn't prepared for in my opinion. It ends up being like a kid writting a creepypasta.

The game is good, but the end is very weird. It doesn't try to explain much either.

The closest I can compare to is Mother 3. But it's not even close.

It's my favorite game of all time. Period. The mood, atmosphere, music, press turn system in combat, mazes, bosses. Everything is great.

Altrough it's not perfect. There might be some bullshit moments here and there, a bit unfair at times. But you can also use for your advantage against the enemies, even bosses.

The Kalpa levels are nerve breaking mazes. That's what I want, a challenge. This game delivers big, I love it. And the TDE (for the ones that know what I'm talking about) that's perfect for our character. It's total Dark-Chaos.

In short, it's perfect for me.

Took me around 35h to complete so it's not a big RPG.

This review contains spoilers

I always say, true art makes you feel stuff. This made me feel all sort of stuff. Anger, fear, uneasyness, hapiness. Dunno but it's a lot.

At first I though the thing on the image was basically a kid. But it's not, just a very thin girl and a monster. Yeah that thing there, it ain't real chief.

Our main hero fucks this chick that made me angry at first because I though I got tricked into playing a porn game for weirdos, but in reality he's fucking something entirely different because schizophrenia. He lives with her too and never leaves house. Perfect right? Hmm...

The endings are what they are, endings to the story but there is one that is depraved but beautiful, and describes this game perfectly.

It's a horror game, and the psychological one games or stories seem to have lost with time. It'll make you feel a ton of things. You won't be the same after it, at least the first week.

Basically it's tight platformer. Think Super Meat Boy, but tighter.

It borrows things from that game too. Being hard as hell. It'll be a lot of try and repeat. But it's worth it going through all of it.

It's so good I 100% this game, that tooked me almost 60 hours of suffering. But I kept trying because I love this game so much. The story is there to enjoy, I won't ruin it for you.

Nothing to really tell outside of that, it's an amazing game everyone should play at least once.

Totally completed with all the achievements in April 2023.

This game is god tier in role play games. It gives you freedom to be anything. I personally played as a sane scientific expert in Plasma that helped everyone in the Mojave. The second playthrough was an insane melee psychopath that joined the files of Caesar.

It isn't a FPS game, it's an FPS-RPG game. So it's not Call of Duty with numbers. And no, it's not Destiny either. But you may already have known that.

Factions are present. What the hell is a faction in this game? Well, it's a group with a certain ideology they follow. You can choose what to do with them. Ally with them, do some missions, gain their respect. Kill everyone, it's your choice.

Just play it, stop reading. Be the diplomatic Messiah the Mojave always needed or be the Boogeyman that puts the end to all conflicts, because they're all dead!

The DLC's are great too, some better than others but overall good. My favorites were Honest Hearts and Lonesome Road, both take two wild approaches to it's story and gameplay.

This started the Metal Gear debable. It won't stop jerking itself off constantly. References, characters from old games, fart jokes, a Mech fight in Shadow Mosses, trillion hour cutscenes, the black dude with the monkey explaining everything that happens in this game, is insane.

Yeah, this is when the writting started to be more Kingdom Hearts-y. Abyssmal at times. Decent at others. Oh and the cutscenes drag on for far too long. Gameplay is alright though, a true evolution to the series.

I can't take this game seriously, being the end of the series. It's not a bad game by any means. But it's so very ridiculous.

Rockstar attempt at a Max Payne game.

It's totally not up to Remedy's game. It's a different experience altogether. And everything the originals never really wanted to try before.

It's way more "cinematic" compared to it's older titles. Cinematic not in an inspired sense, it's presentation tries to be as cinematic as possible, plagued with cutscenes interrumping gameplay every so often you finish a shooting section. I hate this, there is a mod on PC that let's you skip cutscenes. I've played this game at least 6 times for the achievements and the cinematics crippled the entire experience.

It doesn't really try to be anything beyond a dumb acton movie. Max in this game is really, really dumb. We know he hasn't been the sharpes tool in the shed, but in this game he gets on danger constantly, he already has nothing to live for. But come on Max, giving your life for some Brazillian nobodies is insulting. He just doesn't care about anything at this point. And so do I.

Putting that aside. Gameplay wise is incredible. The most polished third person shooter I've ever played. Made to be gruesome, but awesome. The weapons feel different, like in the older games. No guns is like the other.

In short, a deviation of what Max Payne really is. But it's a fun time. Wish it was never made though, or being the start of a new Rockstar IP altogether.

This game is a fun time.

I like it, really like it for what it is. Never understood people that didn't like it. Hell, I prefer this over GTA V.

Aiden Pearce is someone that feels real, doesn't feel like a walking steriotype. Altrough his character isn't totally fleshed out in the story, we can see glimpses of him through out it without giving us long boring expositions or flashbacks.

It's a typical open world, but you can hack things. Yeah, but it sadly doesn't get much deeper than trigger one single action:
"On/Off". Watch Dogs 2 actually improved on this mechanic making it a bit more interesting to mess around with objects. The world itself feels alive, not totally detail but it feels alive. NPC doing silly stuff, profiles, random events. Very cool.

The story, is...let's say it's a videogame story focused on progression. That's why it's good mixed with the gameplay in my opinion compared to most modern GTA games that think they're godamn Hollywood.

The driving feels like shit. Cars are made out of cardboard, the camera is a bitch, the sounds are basic, the radio is mid. It's not a good experience driving in this game, avoid it.

In short. It's a fun silly revenge game.

Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days is an interesting game to say the least. The style, atmosphere and some of the scene are like straight out of a asian snuff flim (Not that I watched any). Oh, and the VA is excelent, it feels real.

The story is way simpler than Dead Man (Kane & Lynch 1). The trailers seem to shout for something bigger, but it just ends up in nothing more than a "I did an oopsie, with the wrong people". There is no weight in the story, it just happens and it keeps going without you knowing why.

The action is constant and it never stops, which can be a good and a bad thing, you can get bored of it pretty fast. Good thing they improved by a ton the gameplay compared to Dead Man, it feels way better and the controllers feel responsive as well. Though the gameplay has been tweak, the enemies are as dumb as the first game if not worse. The gunplay isn't much better either, in fact it sucks. The worst offender here is the recoil and the absurd bullet spread, are they afraid of the crossfire or something? It never goes where it supossed to. This was already a problem with the first game but here it feels it is multiplied by 2.
There are some positives though, there's a button for cover! it works just fine and as expected.

This game reminds me a lot of Max Payne 3 and what The Last of Us 2 is, a constant depressing ride through rotten landscapes and gross scenery. For what? For nothing, just to be grotesque and shocking. In fact this game is quite dumb, and pointless at the end of the day. There's no message or something to think for, it's just an 4 hour experience. The ending cuts short fast, like if the budget dissapear that very last second, cuts to black and credits.

This game is not for everyone, not that it is utterly playable or too gory for some people. It's just that the overall feel is pure style over everything. If you delete the camera filter you get at best an average shooter like the first game but worse in everything but the gameplay.

This game was my childhood.

The cars, the music, the physics, the silly minigames, eveyrhing felt too 2000's. Sadly, it lacks variety and it's as basic as it gets.

But for what it is, it's a great Derby-Type game.