Gotta be honest Uncharted 3 had such a slow start feels like I had to get through 5/6 chapters till I started caring about the story here but once I got through that man this was such an incredible game!

This Uncharted game had the most confusing puzzles of the series which I really did not enjoy because at times I was just staring at my screen questioning my sanity on what to do at certain parts and a Uncharted game had never done that to me before.

I think this Uncharted game probably has some of the most back to back action/unexpected moments in the series once you get through the extremely slow start of this game!

Nolan North as Nathan Drake continues to be amazing with another fantastic performance

I enjoyed playing this game so much on my Nintendo Wii U.

I know it's an extremely unpopular opinion but this is up there as one of if not the BEST 3D Mario game for me as experiencing these worlds the way I did was truly something special for me at the time that I had played this game. It was also one of the first games that I went out of my way to 100% and I enjoyed my time doing it so much + with the bonus content after 100% is well worth it and so much content within the game.

Each level looked so beautiful and being able to see these 3D levels in HD for the first time was a very memorial experience for me!

The multiplayer is also a very fun experience with the added competition mode of who scores the most for this useless crown ends up being so fun.

this game has so much content and will always remain very very special to me and also came at a time that I really needed a game like this.

I just really wish that they would've added online on here which they later did on the Switch.

It's the only thing that has me missing 2020.

For the extremely low budget they had for this I thought the company did extremely well.

I remember being really shocked when this was considered in the top 10 WORST games to have released in 2014 and I just don't see that with this game,

it's got a lot problems like the random generated events.. I think it was called the hero/menace system which was AWFUL.

Kingpin, Kraven, Black Cat & Carnage were cool i guess

it's alright it's got gameplay problems for sure but it was playable.

the web swinging was freaking fantastic in this game which is shocking to say for what the game was.

Wow! What an incredible improvement from the first game!

Each chapter of this game left me constantly hooked onto this game the level design of this one was absolutely BRILLIANT.

The whole train sequence part of this game was absolutely crazy and the OPENING of this game OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I can't decide if I prefer 4 or 2 I change my mind every other day but this is what set the bar and had me hooked onto the series of Uncharted and showed what it actually could be!

Gotta be honest I felt this was the weakest in the series!

Had I not knew how great the future games were from friends and family I would've only played the first and called it quits!

This also felt the most "out there and different" if that word makes sense out of the whole series

Still enjoyed it don't get me wrong but was my least favorite that I played out of the series.

Was HEAVILY excited about this game when I bought it.. Streamed the whole game and I kid you not I yawned so many times while playing this game..

Very disappointing experience because I had such HIGH expectations for this game but was left with garbage.

Why? It seemed like this was suppose to be HEAVILY apart of season 2 and it was more just easter eggs other than Bonnie but 400 days is really not mentioned at all.

Likable characters that we never see again I guess the concept of this game was fun trying to get everyone to come with you depending on what choices you make it's just you think this leads into something HUGE and then it doesn't.

Liked what I played just truly disappointed that nothing came out of it.

This review contains spoilers

WOW! Where do I even begin with this game? I guess i'll start with the characters.

Every character in this game was well interesting some very unlikeable but a majority very likable and was such a shame when they die within the game

They had one character in here that was a very realistic character that everyone seemed to hate for whatever reason despite his amazing comeback story if you let him live and that's Ben.

I think most would act the way that Ben acted in the game if we ever were in a zombie apocalypse. and if you get him to the end of the game what an awesome/incredible scene between him and Kenny. That scene was actually the first thing I saw of the whole game and I KNEW I had to play it after seeing that scene on YouTube so that I did.

The concept of making your own choices within a Walking Dead game was really cool obviously the later entries you come to realize that your choices don't really matter but with this game you had some unique different things you could do such as save Carley/Doug, Let Ben die, two different ways Kenny "dies" & more.

This game really opened the door that other companies followed with the whole choice system and took it to the absolute next level compared to what Telltale Games did.

Every episode of this game was great and if you know absolutely nothing about this game you MUST play it before you get spoiled as it's one of my favorite games of all time.

I own it on every system I have that's how much I love it.

This was a game with a lot of potential that ultimately did not work.

It felt that at times this game didn't know what it wanted to be as there was too much going on within this game.

Some things with the story I really did not like and felt truly out of place.

Willem Dafoe was INCREDIBLE though it just sucks this guy is always in games that aren't great we gotta get in him into an amazing game.

This game had chapters that I actually really enjoyed but once again felt out of place with the story direction it was suppose to be.. it's just a giant mess.

I REALLY loved this game. I just wish it was longer! From beginning to the end I was absolutely HOOKED on this game!

It also fixed a lot of my issues with the first game that being the side game content! the side game content within Miles Morales was amazing and in all honesty might be better than all 3 of the games here I'm still playing through 2's side game content though.

For a short Spider-man experience this was great and I loved the original story once again that Insomniac Games created with these Spidey characters.

I liked Marvel's Spider-Man a lot. It was my game of the year when this game came out however...

I didn't fall in love with this Spider-Man game I can't describe it and I'm not really sure why but there's a few other Spider-Man games I would prefer over this one it was still one of the better Spider-Man games that we had gotten because the last few were not very good.

I still really like this game though! I'm currently replaying it as we speak! The acting in this game was absolute PEAK.

The side stuff was pretty mid in this game compared to others in the series though.

A great first entry in Insomniac's take of the web crawler.

I loved the originality that they went with in this game.

I had my doubts with Harry being Venom but it worked so well with the story they made here!

I loved seeing Peter as a mentor to Miles as that's something we never really saw in the comics.

I have so much good to say about this game i'm not even gonna attempt writing this review because it would be way too long..

Considering my video review on this game was over one hour long I'll just leave this review by saying this game comes close and may be my favorite game of all time beating Web Of Shadows.. It just kinda depends what type of mood i'm in I change my mind everyday.

A game with a lot of potential with a great concept that didn't work well.

Sonic's anniversary game ended up being less than 2 hours which is also really weird that they charged $40 for this all things considering...

I liked the idea of all the Sonic villains coming together in one game and would like that to be explored again down the road.

the game is just super super short I don't think it's really bad but it's definitely not a good game either..

mediocre at best for this game considering it's like a $10 game now.

Why? Truthfully don't think anyone asked where Michonne was during the whole New Beginnings arc in the comics.

It was alright but truthfully a forgettable experience that had nothing to do with the telltale series.

I guess this was them trying to tell the fans that Telltale TWD's will have connections to the comics but truthfully never gets mentioned really in the comics...

This game doesn't even get remastered for the switch due to how useless this game was that should tell you something..