In the advent of "movie-games",husks of a game that dissolve all creativity and depth in exchange of setpieces that will look good on an E3 trailer and showcases of console features, with stories that rival perhaps a turkish soap opera at best; it is simply incredible that such an ambitious and high-risk masterpiece could ever be made. In a game that puts you -quite literally- into the protagonist shoes with no sugar coating, combined with Kojima-san's almost trademark obsessive amount of polishing, introduced in an exciting thriller which is almost hilarious in contrast with its comically-non-exciting (but still incredibly entertaining and addicting) gameplay, brings an experience that you will only have once in your life and should have no matter what.

This game is more polished than most of the greatest masterpiece that have come out ever since, and this game came out over 20 years ago. Its story predicted things that no one else did that are happening today. It makes you gasp, groan, cry, feel frustrated, happy, longing, sad, and at the end you realize it immediately took a place in your heart that you will always remember. Kojima-san proved his own words by leaving behind his legacy to all of us though this game. Building the future and keeping the past alive are one and the same thing.


Incredibly beautiful looking, writing is top notch and characters are interesting, however once I've completed a couple runs I've felt I've seen most of what had to be seen of this game, and there's not enough roguelike variety to keep you playing run after run as the game wants you to.

One of the most important staples of game design and a future cult classic. This is the only game that can bring the feeling of joyfulness and wonder to such a high level. Sadly, on top of it's beautiful design as a standalone game, lacks MANY features and concepts that are iconic of the Zelda franchise that would have elevated it so much.

I am literally unable to stop playing this game

Great characters, incredible story, and fun and addicting gameplay. Perfect for its very short length, lacks some variety which was very much addressed in the sequel.

Charming characters, interesting and unique story, decent gameplay. If you saw a trailer or something and found it interesting you will probably like it.