Movement felt a bit off to me, and the guns were hit or miss. Art design was nothing special and same goes for the soundtrack. If this hit me at a different time i may have still played it to the end but honestly i have way too much in my backlog to play more of this when im very meh on it in the first place.

I decided I would give warframe a shot this year, some solo and some with friends. I do really enjoy the gameplay, and how a lot of the weapons feel and the general aesthetic. I do not however, like the monetization at all. I understand a game like this needs to make money, but 20 bucks for a new warframe? Inventory monetization? The insane wait times when your crafting new frames? C'mon. There is a way better way to do this that doesn't make you hate interacting with the game. Luckily for warframe, the game itself is still very fun. Doing missions and killing hundreds of enemies while watching youtube or whatever is a satisfying, fun experience. But the monetization really holds the game back. I'm not sure what this game was like at launch, i can only rate it from what i think of it now. And unfortunately a lot of the systems in the game really bog it down and hold it back from being something really special. I guess thats the price of a 10 year live service game, at some point your gonna lose yourself in the needless monetization. Anyway, the game is fun if you can ignore a lot of that, and usually i can, but man i can't help but think about what this game could be without it

The last actually good wrestling game. The gameplay is fast and fluid, weapon interactions are fun and can add a lot to the match and universe mode adds a fun way to play out your own wrestling shows, with a great roster to customize it as well. 30 years of wrestlemania is a cool mode, though i kinda wish the game just had a regular career mode. We need actually fun wrestling games again

I really loved this game, despite having no rhythm myself. The gameplay was wonderful and had plenty of depth in the combat, the visual presentation was superb and obviously the soundtrack was just filled with bangers. The boss fights were great spectacles, I just wish they didn't use a checkpoint system, it feels rather unearned when you beat a boss if you ever die at any point since you just restart at a checkpoint. You'd have to redo the entire balance but i'd prefer boss fights without checkpoints. The world and characters were a joy as well, even if they didn't have a ton of depth. I personally didn't care for some of the more sappy, corny "friendship overcomes all!" beats of the story, just not my thing, but i did still enjoy the story overall. I could do without another "corporation bad" story, not that i disagree I just feel like I've seen it done a lot. Some of the platforming was a little jank at times, it felt a little awkward on some of the jumps. The level design was fine but it was definitely basic, though it wasn't the focus so i'm not holding it against the game too much. The levels shined in being visual set pieces though.

Overall, I had a great time with Hi-Fi Rush. I really hope they get a sequel greenlit and even more budget put behind it. I just hope if they do, it keeps its heart.

Its a solid start, I enjoy the blend of crafting and survivorlike gameplay, but there isn't quite enough here yet. I played for about 4 hours and was bumping on the end of the current content, but I'd recommend anyone who enjoys the genre to keep an eye on it, it could certainly be something special by 1.0

The last game I play of 2023 is a great one, a very well polished, fast and fluid roguelike with some really cool boss battles. Fun metaprogression and upgrades, spells are fun to use and the enemy variety is pretty good. My biggest complaint with the game is the grind in the late game, other than that its pretty damn good.

Not as satisfying as i expected it to be, builds seem underpowered early on and that would be fine if it felt or sounded satisfying, which i thought it would. But it just doesn't. There are far better survivorlikes.

Despite its flaws I enjoyed this game quite a bit. The story and characters are extremely barebones and cliché, and the AI of your companions in combat can be really annoying at times. However, the combat, world design and the art direction on enemies were really nice overall. The bosses were also mostly really fun outside of a few. The postgame dungeon and boss was also really good.

This is a very simple game, but it was engaging to me all the way through and it didn't fill itself with unnecessary bloat like a lot of JRPGs i've played. I'll probably play through it again at some point with the other characters I didn't use.

Man, what a boring game. That's the best way to describe it, boring. Boring gameplay, boring story, boring world after you get over the initial awe which lasts about 45 minutes then you discover how boring it actually is with every potentially interesting aspect overexplained to you. I could see myself having fun with a really refined delivery service game that doesn't have 100 mechanics that don't really add anything to the experience. It would also help if the main thing your doing in the game, traversal, didn't feel like skyrim ass jank climbing 80% of the time and just boring walking the other 20%. I'm glad I tried it because now I know, but man what a waste of time.

Very fun combat, which carries it. The story is mediocre, the level design is extremely basic, and the upgrades are hit or miss. But the combat, once you have enough weapons and upgrades, feels really fun. Worth checking out at a discount for sure. Better than Flying Wild Hogs previous game, Shadow warrior 3, but I'm hoping their next game can hit at least the level design mark a bit better

Wonderfully told story, essential if you like a good narrative.

5 stars when I win, 0 stars when i get hit with the blue shell 5 inches from the finish line and finish 8th

Played this with my GF when it released, was an incredibly fun game with a story that was good to laugh at. But the artistic direction and the co op focused gameplay were wonderful.

Its a good game, not for me. Building and crafting in games is almost always dull to me. If your into survivalcraft style games, you've probably already played this obviously, but it'll be your jam. Not my thing at all