52 reviews liked by Moth_Man



Few games make me feel as powerful.

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I played this game a lot as a kid so I probably have some nostalgia vision. But just don't go into it trying to compare it to the NES games - the GB simply can't live up to that. In general, this game suffers the same problem as all pre-DS handheld Megaman games suffer: the screen size is too small. While you can actually see stuff that's coming in this game, sometimes there's really nowheres to go and it can result in what feels like cheap hits. But besides that, the game is pretty easy and short. For what it is, it's decent.

the best way to play sonic 3k right now
please ignore sonic origins existence and play this instead

Got back into South Park again recently so decided to play the games.
I prefer the them of this game (superheroes) to The Stick of Truth, but overall, don't think it's quite as good

tbh i still enjoy the papa's games (i have a few on my phone) and while i know there are ways to play old flash games it was nice to just simply purchase a game and have it on my computer. plus it has the extra features of the newer games that the original freezeria doesn't have. it's definitely one of those games that ill play a lot in multiple sessions and then put it off for a while, but thats simply the way i play open-ended games like these. its real easy to get into the rhythm of things and it's a lot of fun to see how quickly you can get an order done while also striving for 100% perfection. obviously a lot of buyers are people who played the original games but i do think its fun on its own without the nostalgia factor :D

had a chill time, honestly i liked the minigames. not gonna 100% though so spyro will forever be waiting in front of the endgame gate

i can't believe there's a game that looks like this

A game that is exhilarating all the way through to the end of a short yet fun as hell game! It’s what every 2D platformer should strive to be going forward!

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