Me and my friend played this co op and it was one of the most fun platformers I've ever played. I just love Donkey kong and even though it's a difficult franchise and all I still love it. This was the first one I've played to completion though and everything is just so beautiful. Donkey really wants to showcase the beautiful Serenity of nature and the music compliments it so well. As much as we struggled, I don't remember Raging at this game too much but I love this game. It's just a game where me and my friend could shoot the breeze over.

It's alright, this was my childhood game, I didn't grow up with the latest consoles and I didn't have the most powerful pc so this is what I spent my time playing and it's my favorite entry in the series. I just wanted to see if it still held up after such a long time before jumping into the deluxe edition

I don't even know how to describe my love for this game, it just feels so familiar, not in gameplay or artstyle but with its Vibes. Tell me that this doesn't feel like a game you play on a Friday evening with your friends, a few boxes of pizza and a few cans of soda. Whatever, I'll actually talk about the game now.

It feels like a dream to play, everything is so Smoot and it feels even smoother when you fully understand the controls, I've replayed a few levels for secrets and collectibles and it feels so good to come back to a level and just be completely unstoppable. I imagine it plays better on a controller but it still played really well on a keyboard. Another thing that I really liked was the challenge involved, I'm surprised that I beat it because it's not easy ( or maybe I'm just bad at video games ) but it's a difficulty that you gnaws at you. I got stuck on the second boss and when I wasn't playing, all I could think of was my strategy for beating him. I guess I'm trying to say that you just can't drop it No matter how frustrating it is, it just keeps pulling you back in for another try.

The story is pretty bare bones but I feel like there's a lot of lore just hanging around the lobby and I want to know more. Even though the story is bare bones, I feel like it's saying something. If anything Pizza Tower is about a man who runs a local pizzeria going up against the behemoth corporate Pizza chain and he will stop at nothing. I think that can be seen as a reflection of the game industry maybe, the little indie devs vs the massive triple AAA titles or maybe I'm looking too much into it but that's just some food for thought.

Thank you, Tour De Pizza for making a unique experience, that bursts at the seams with passion.

Thank you, Nitro for buying me this game for my birthday( he doesn't use backloggd but I still wanted to thank him )

This game is guilty pleasure and me and my friend play it when we get sick of Mario kart

This looks like a minecraft fan animation that would be on YouTube

My thoughts going into this game was an average puzzle game that people only liked because of how it revolutionized games at the time and I didn't think it would hold up but I really enjoyed this. It was nice short experience filled to the brim with charm and about 90 percent of the puzzles were a lot of fun. I only hated level 18 and some of the turrets in the final part but for the most part I loved it.

Thank you Valve

I never thought I'd ever see a Sonic The Hedgehog visual novel but here we are and I never thought I'd enjoy a Sonic The Hedgehog visual novel but again here we are.

I've never been the biggest Sonic fan, I only played 2 games and I only finished one of them (it's this one) but honestly even though I'm someone who doesn't have an understanding of the Sonic lore, this was fun and I can't imagine the amount of fanservice this must be for a die hard Sonic fan. This might be the game that finally gets me to care about Sonic.

I sincerely hope to see more projects like this from Sega especially for Sonic since they've been doing some cool stuff with yakuza and persona ( but my pc can't run any of those games) and I want them to do this stuff with Sonic. This game made me genuinely interested in most of these characters and I want to see more of them.

I think it goes without saying that the artstyle is really stunning and I love the way that the characters are drawn and I just love everything about this game visually even if some of the ring collecting segments strained my eyes a bit (that's just a me problem). The writing is a little cringey but let's be honest, who among us isn't a little cringey and for the most part I enjoyed the writing.

This was refreshing for me. I want more Sonic media, I wanna play the adventure games, I wanna finish watching Sonic prime. I'm glad that I played this because Sonic seems like such a behemoth of a game franchise, I don't know where to start with it because of all the deep lore and everything but this was just what I needed to get me into Sonic.

Thank you Sega, please make more stuff like this I'm begging you!

I love the way that this game treats Bowser. He's a villain but he still has feelings and deserves praise. Being a villain isn't all that he is.

Thank you, Alphadream

Pretty challenging but I still really liked the game. No matter how cruel the level was treating me, I never felt like the game hated me or wanted me to give up. I felt that especially when I received the map and a little message showed up

"So long as you always maintain a sense of exploration, you will someday find the way out. This is my hope."

Very comforting game. I loved just falling into Mae's routine and just vibing in a beautiful autumn town.