I played a lot of Alien games for my “Halloween” special on my YouTube channel (End Credits) so I did this one!

This one was a BIG surprise for me! I really enjoyed this one, more than I thought I would. My biggest problem is that the boss fights suck. The rest of the game, even though it is a very loose and non-canon adaptation of the first 3 films, is fun and very worth it!

Played the game with my best friend. We did not expect a lot from this one but ended up happy with the game. It is fun and interesting with the puzzles on the right level of difficulty.

Worth your time, even more considering the short playtime!

Played the entire franchise for a video on my channel (End Credits),

It's a way more interesting hub than the first one, but I actually liked fewer games. The puzzles in the hub are interesting enough to make you keep going, but the games are not as good as the first one. The only ones I’d point out are: “Charlotte’s Exile” and “Touched by an Outer God”, which are great. The rest range from “meh” to “oh god why…”.

Still worth if you catch it on a promo.

Sorry, but this one sucks.

First: cute horror is boring.
Second: one of the worst dialogs I’ve ever seen.
Third: only one game is worth mentioning here, Spookware - The Video Store. The rest are not great (with Chip’s Tips being easily one of the worst games I’ve ever played, even considering satires).

Worth only if you care about playing all 5 games.

I love the second game, so I decided to give the first one a try with a friend.

We basically beat all the maps and considered that game “beaten”. Coming from someone who enjoys the second so much, I think that this one lacks a lot. I actually think that it is a miracle that we got a franchise out of this because it is very rough! It is fun? Yes! But, overall it is a mess. The leveling, the random maps, the AI (friends and foes), the lack of tutorials and explanations, and the lack of clear objectives, are not great and that list could go on. The gunplay is good and the graphics did not age badly, but my biggest “pro” here is that you can clearly what made Payday 2 become a great game.

It is rough around the edges, but still a fun game. I’d say that for the price you can get it on sale, it is a good choice for a few days of coop.

I did not think this film would be fun with only 1 friend, but it was! This game is great, I loved the mechanics and it was a very funny experience. Even the extra modes (like the versus) are fun. It is really worth it, and the chaos with more friends makes it amazing.

Cute and charming little game, but there’s not much to it. It is a funny idea and a good proof of concept that the characters, humor, and overall vibe and charm can work on bigger ideas and plots! Can’t consider it a must-buy, but it can be a cool little distraction from all those games on your backlog that you never get to. It is worth a try!

An easy case for the world's second-best detective!


It does have A LOT of problems but it is simply unique, there is no game ever that is like remotely like this. I think that most of the harshness that people have is exaggerated. This is Bethesda at its best.

For the good, the story is great, the best from Bethesda by far. The visuals are amazing, the cities are awesome, the writing is the finest in Bethesda games, the story, plot, and characters are great, the shipbuilder is simply insane, the factions are as great as we’re used from Bethesda games, Sarah (she is amazing, sorry, I Have to talk about her), the NG+ in this game is perfect, I don’t remember a game that gave a reason as good as this one for another run. and I could go on and on about little details that were simply perfect. And the powers? Never expected that! The reality is that you’ll need a gigantic essay to explain why, apart from the technical points, this is a great game. It is amazing! Loved every single second of it.

For the mixed, the facial animations lack a bit, even more, if you consider modern standards. The exploration is kind of a mixed bag, with too many loading screens, and very little fluid. It is not bad per se, but still could be better. Performance is not that great, and the game is kind of buggy but we all know the dev…

About the bad, the gunplay is not that great. I wish the game had a map inside the cities (like, come on…). The stamina system is just stupid, in a game that you have to travel miles and miles, having limited stamina just sucks. The elemental and survival damages just kind of serves no purpose (even more when you discover that you can’t die because of it). It feels like the planet exploration was a bit boring with only “go to that place, scan, and repeat”. The places where you get the powerups are always the same thing is actually a bad choice, a big variety of minigames would be better. The menus have a really poor interface and this is annoying during the game.

This game is fascinating, I’m glad I experienced it. I look forward to the support from Bethesda with DLCs, and from the community with mods to come. Amazing game!

A clear evolution of the first iteration of the series. Still a cute and charming game with fun characters and vibes. All that applies to the first one go here, but with a bigger plot, and a bigger number of characters with their little quirks and backstories, bigger and better.

The addition of the notebook is really useful to connect more with the characters and reminds me of Bugsnax, such a great idea! The final plot is the same concept as the first game’s final plot, but with a silly and charming game like this, it almost feels like part of the charm. Totally worth it.

Another easy case for the world's second-best detective!

I played Q.U.B.E for a little bit around the time that it became a little popular for gameplays. I remember going for only a few minutes and saying “yeah, not for me”. I just played FPS games and refused to try new stuff, stupid is not enough to describe that attitude.

Q.U.B.E is a great game, even for someone that is not that into puzzles. The gameplay is good, the puzzles are fun, well-made, and accessible (even for someone who has below-average skills at this type of challenge), the voice acting is good and the story, as shallow as it is, is interesting enough to make you want to know how it’ll all end. The only downside is that, for trophy hunters, this is a stupid one as it requires a pathetic number of playthroughs to unlock a few achievements. Overall, it surprised me very positively and I’d recommend it. Short, cheap, and very good.

Pacify is… Something. I mean, I’ll always give it the merit for returning a bit of hype around co-op horror games, but the game is really easy and makes absolutely no sense while you have a go on the second and third map.

The first (Dolls) map is very simple and direct to the point, a bit generic if you are already familiar with the recent co-op horror genre games (both Devour and Chased By Darkness follow this same style), but I think it would be not that bad if the game had an evolution for the following maps. But it is a big fat no, the later maps are completely different and way worse. The second map (Farm) is on a very small (almost ridiculous) map that you can loop the killer in circles and where you have to give the poisonous chicken to the crazy farmer, the only thing that makes it take longer than a 10-minute run is the fact that he can eat the non-poisonous chicken to heal himself (for some reason), but that doesn’t get to the level of weirdness of the third map. The third map (Woods) is horrible, the game completely loses itself and out of nowhere now, 2 monsters can kill you, and you’ll need specific items to protect yourself, and not only that, for each level of the objective you’ll need to go around and collect 3 items from the map and for some reason there are potions that give you buffs. I don’t know how the hell they thought this would be a good idea…

The first 2 maps playing co-op will give you a few laughs with your friends until it becomes opaque, and you decide to try hard just to end it already. The third one almost feels like a chore and kills completely the vibe to play the game. The worst? It was supposed to have more maps, but the dev just vanished, being the last update on the new map dated November 2021, so it is kind of dead. If you buy, do it for what it is and don’t expect new maps, but wait for a sale, it is not worth the full price. I’d strongly recommend you to go for Devour, it is a way better game.

Q.U.B.E. 2 was a little frustrating for me.

I mean, it works well as a sequel, and it is a good game, but there were a few things that took me off of it.

Story-wise it is not amazing, with a good plot twist but a not-that-bright concept overall. And, the thing that most bothered me, the puzzles are unbelievably easy. There were great new mechanics added to the game and most of the level design choices were great, and the variety of the puzzles was surprising, but they were really weak. I’m not a puzzle game enthusiast and solved every single one of them on the first try.

But I did like the game. The voice acting is good and the visuals are astonishing, the gameplay is good, and as I previously said, the mechanics (the ones that came from the first game and the new ones) are really good and interesting, making the gameplay really fun. Considering that the game goes for almost nothing on steam sales I’d say it is easy to recommend, even not considering it that much better than the first one.

The first game of the series was a really fun time with very frustrating situations if you are the type that goes for platinum. This one? An okay time with pathetic situations if you are the platinum seeker type.

The game is still pretty. Having a second character is a very interesting idea and works well. The gameplay aspect is too a very clear evolution from the first iteration of the series, way more fluid and precise. The story is a big “whatever”, and the game is unbelievably short, if you don’t play the additional levels it could be easily beaten in less than 4 hours.

To be as short as possible: although the story is way worst than the first one, the technical aspects are a good improvement from the first. But that was not enough for me to feel like this sequel was really necessary.

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This game is what our brain remembers the original RE4 looking like. This is a great remake, even though I’m not into remaking these not-that-old games, and I’d say that this is easily the best Resident Evil remake.

It is so great to see the same places in this version, to be in the same places again. Everything is better than the original, the game is way scarier, the gameplay is way smoother, and (obviously) the visuals are incredible. The animations are on a completely new level, they pack a heavy punch and make you feel every hit you take. The characters (literally all of them) have a way bigger backstory that makes all their actions have better logic than in the original. The new mechanics are good, they improve a lot the fluidity of the gameplay. They removed almost all of the quick-time events (thank god) and relocated a lot of parts in the game for them to make way more sense. The new Ashley is great and the bit that we play with her during the game is amazing, really terrifying.

The points that, for me, are not either bad or good: most of the game is “more serious”, which includes places, boss fights, characters, set pieces, and scenery. Until I was dragged into the new vibe, it felt like a “soulless” version of RE4, but that faded out very fast.

I think that the worst thing I can say is that the game is way easier than the classic version. I played it on the hardest difficulty available for a first playthrough and it was pretty okay, most of my deaths were purely caused by making the wrong choices and not by the game’s difficulty. And just to point out: the last boss of the game (Saddler) is still a piece of shit boss fight, they did not improve that. But mostly these points are me “reaching” for bad things to say because my experience was amazing.

Resident Evil 4 Remake is the perfect mix of the old game and new choices to make a better version overall of such an acclaimed title. It keeps the feeling of the older version and improves on basically every little aspect of the game. This is an easy 100% recommendation.

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This was a great surprise!

There is so much content here, and I’m not talking about inflated gameplay. There is a lot of really good variation in the game, considering that the main focus was the Papers Please styled country border job. At the end of the game, there are so many things to check that you’ll most likely develop strategies to be more precise. The gameplay and graphics are ok, they don’t get in the way of the fun.

Unfortunately, it does not run that well, I got a bunch of dips under 50fps (mostly while using the faster police car). The story is there just to say that it has one, and both main endings are very weak, and I think that the game lacks more upgrades and interactions between upgrading your base and the gameplay.

This game is such a gem, totally worth it when you’re in the mood for something chill that does not take itself that serious. It is a good game to get off of all that “gaming vibe” and just have some fun.