A phenomenal follow up to one of my favourite games. I still think the combat mechanics are clunky, despite them being vastly improved from the first and I was left a little unsatisfied by the ending. But other than that, I loved this. I still think the Plague Tale series boasts some of the most incredible world building I've seen, some of the best characters and some sensational visuals. Not to mention the rats are genuinely terrifying.

Not quite as good as the first but still a great game nonetheless and one I'd easily recommend.

Absolutely fantastic! This has quickly become one of my favourite games of all time and without a doubt lived up to my lofty expectations.

Horizon made the best decision of keeping the formula that worked so well in the first game and just improving it in every way. It looks better, sounds better, plays better and I loved all the new additions. The new characters, clans, areas, gamepley features (Flying in particular is an awesome new feature) and the continuation of Aloys incredible journey. All make for a perfect gaming experience yet again in my eyes and I for one cannot wait for the continuation of this magical series, which is easily one of my favourites of all time.

R.I.P Lance Reddick (Sylens)


Stunning animation, beautiful story and a really cool concept. It's naturally limited and does have a few issues, but if you are after something fun, easy and relaxing. You could do a lot worse.

This was really fun, I'm a big fan of these choice based games and they hardly ever disappoint. The game play is fun, it looks really good, the story is entertaining and it has some scary moments. I had a good time, even if it can be very slow in particular moments. I'm naturally going to compare this to Until Dawn though and I do think it falls quite short in almost all areas though. The characters were not as likeable and replaying to keep them all alive (which I did) didn't feel very rewarding because it kind of just ended without anything extra. Until Dawn gave us a little wrap up at least and that was a little disappointing.

Overall, another good entry to this genre, I really enjoyed it, I just don't think it's anywhere near the best.

Death Stranding is a weird one for me. On the one hand, I loved all the 'TV Show' aspects of this. It looks stunning, the story is great, the acting even better and I felt truly immersed in this weird world. However, I really hated the gameplay if I'm honest. It was super clunky, extremely boring and far too sporadic. I ended up being almost annoyed at how little I actually got to do.

I understand people loving this but I'm ultimately in the 'not for me' category. I'd love it as a TV show though.

After all these years, one of my most beloved games is still just as fun, engrossing and perfect to me, as it was when I first picked it up at 7 years old. It is of course naturally limited due to its age. But, the incredible art style, iconic sound effects and surprisingly crisp gameplay, still make it in my opinion, one of the best in the 3D platforming genre.

A game that means an awful lot to me, one of the first to really get me into games and I will never get tired of replaying it. Even 20 years later, Sly Cooper is a must play.

A really beautiful, engaging story with stunning visuals and considering it's basically just a walking sim, it's actually a lot of fun. All this culminates in one of the most unique gaming experiences I've ever had.

Definitely worth your time, especially considering it's only a few hours long.

I liked Watchdogs 2 so I was pretty intrigued by this, especially because it was set in London and I'm English. Admittedly the concept is cool but it's also what holds this back, I can't get invested in any of the characters or the story because they are all completely replaceable. The gameplay is fine, it's not necessarily a drop from the last game but it just wasn't enough to keep me from being mind numbingly bored.

Just not enough to keep me wanting to finish this and I doubt I'll ever try again.

I'm not a stealth game lover at all, but I really enjoyed this. Super impressive and immersive world building, an interesting twisty story and really smooth gameplay. Dishonored is a must play for stealth fans and none stealth fans alike.

I just wish I was better at it.

From a gameplay point of view "Dishonored 2" takes everything from the first one and completely improves on it. It's smoother, faster and the A.I is much better. However, despite it being objectively a better game than its predecessor, I just didn't enjoy it as much.

I didn't think the story was anywhere near as compelling and I actually think this one went a little too 'open world' for my tastes. I felt almost obligated to diverge away from the mission all the time, but maybe that's a me complaint.

Still a lot of fun though, I just preferred the original overall.

Where did this come from!?!?!?!?!?! What a game though, I loved literally every single second of Hi-FI Rush and it just kept expanding and getting better right until the end. It has great humour, fantastic gameplay, an awesome soundtrack, likeable characters and genuinely incredible animation.

One of my new favourites and one of the best games of recent years! I hope they do more, because I'll be there on day 1!!!

A simply phenomenal remake of one of the best horror survival games ever made. Great mechanics, awesome visuals and lots of genuine, classic scares. Once I started this I struggled to put it down, and it's an absolute must play!

It's Dying Light without the parkour. it's a decent game, with good graphics and a solid story that serves its purpose. But it's also nothing to write home about and it eventually becomes pretty repetitive.

Playable, but not a must play either.

I've always loved this game, and the definitive edition has made it even better! Yes, it's arguably a re-skinned Uncharted in terms of the gameplay, but it's still a fantastic game. An exciting, mysterious story that I think works beautifully as an origin story for Lara truly becoming the 'Tomb Raider'. It's got solid gameplay, beautiful visuals and it's an all round super fun time.