Pac-man is back, motherfuckers!

While the new mechanics may be hard initially for those used only to the original, I still grew to enjoy them overtime.

Centipede - The Lost Levels

Depth perception? Never heard of it

How does that saying go again? "Don't judge a book by it's cover." What that means is that you should not make massive judgements on something without going into it deeply. The surface level is not enough to properly convey what the work has going for it. I don't think you should take a strong stance on a entire tv show just by looking at one out-of-context clip on Twitter, nor would I critique the average film after only watching the first 10 minutes.

But then again, this is a game where you play a genocidal racist as he rapes an Indigenous woman.

This game is really fun. I love how it starts off at a decent pace before suddenly going Mach 5 and turning it into something fast-paced and hectic. The kamikaze bugs that divebomb you add a tense challenge.

Definitely an improvement over the vanilla version

Ah shit. Here comes Pac-man.

It a decent game. Admittedly, the replay value is a little lacking, since its the same level over and over and the difficulty spikes pretty quickly.

I have no idea who is launching these damn missiles across the world to the point where every major cities needs their own Iron Dome ala Israel, but it sure makes for one decent game.

Way more chaotic than I expected from a game this old. I know it would kick ass with 4 players

When you play so many space shooters, you became fatigued. So any future games in the genre that I play will be judged as such.

Nonetheless, the game was passable. Doesn't really do anything to stand out today and the enemy hitboxes only connect when they feel like it.

Just gotta start in second gear, bro

To the dev's credit, they did show players mercy by making the game a bit easier the more times you die, while also rewarding you for doing well. Nice addition to what would normally be another generic space shooter

I typically prefer to play the arcade versions of games like this over the Atari 2600, but I made an exception this one time.

The arcade version has a very weird control scheme where you use two joysticks, one for each arm. This may be fine in practice, but on the emulator I used, it was extremely annoying.

The Atari port, on the other hand, moves everything to just one joystick, making it much easier to play. Besides that, it's a decent game that is fun for like 5-minute sessions.

I need to find a new fishing area. I'm 99% certain Joey trained that shark,