This game would be an easy 4.5 if it weren't for how buggy it is

Do you like fun? Do you like skill-based and engaging gameplay? Do you like feeling like you're getting better and better at a game as you play? Well this game is not for you. All the beautiful art design and the feeling of an actual truly open world with tons of things to do in the world can't cover the fact this is a boring, repetitive, grindy, unskilled shitshow of clicking on guys.

The most underrated FPS game of all time no cap

This game starts off so incredibly in the first half. It's the first game times a million in every way. The gameplay's way better, the game looks and runs like god on ultra even on an RX 580, the tone's goofier and not as good but moments of character interaction and building had my jaw on the floor in a lot of scenes. So many more taboos and risky ideas and themes, it's great. Easy 4.5 stars. But then something happens about halfway through. After an awesome level, after a character building moment between BJ and another character that had my jaw through the floor and on my scalp, followed by an awesome gameplay sequence with a fun setpiece, something happens. It's so fucking jarring, so fucking out of place, so fucking stupid, and so fucking mind-bogglingly offputting that it hurts my head to think about what the devs were actually hoping to achive. I think they just ran out of ideas. After that point, every aspect of the game apart from the gameplay just fucking stops like they hit an orphanage while driving at the speed of sound. All the stakes and worry are removed from the game. The hints of the darker and more mature tone are thrown out the window.

Good game to just sit back and play after a long day

Not as good as RE2 but still really good

This game really requires your first playthrough to be completely blind. It can be a bit unintuitive and a fucking lot buggy but this game is worth it. This is one of the most worth it games of all time. That magical feeling of wonder and discovery you feel in the first playthrough is something that I haven't felt since playing Minecraft for the first time back in 2013. I'd be willing to concuss myself just to feel what it's like to play this for the first time all over again.

The XBone once again trounces the Playstation 4 as the most expensive paperweight of all time with this Mastapiece. The web-swinging is fast and exciting while also requiring lots of skill instead of just holding the joystick forward and holding a button. It's stylish and fluid and it all goes towards making you feel like Spider-Man. I know that the whole "Makes you feel like (character)" meme is overdone but it really does get you to feel like you're following Peter Parker as his cameraman and doing all the ludicrous shit he's doing. The myriad of ways Spider-Man poses after letting go of a web, the way that Comic Book-esque streak lines appear as you fall to the earth, and the camera gets close to SM as you web swing at the end of a massive fall as if you're following him, it's all great. Combat is stupid simple and basically the same as Batman Arkham Asylum but it's really made a lot better by SM's abilities in the same way a shitty and boring film can be made a lot better by having Nick Cage in it. Also fuck the stupid fucking missions when you play as anyone but Spider-Man. Cannibalize those and improve the weak story and Spider-Man: Miles Morales will make the universe explode