34 reviews liked by Mr_U

misleading title, game didn't run in 50 FPS

If you hate Nintendo and love this game you are bbeing played my ... they ar e the same team. they are working together in your walls. it's like clone wars

To the moon is what happens when someone makes a story entirely out of melodrama. Literally. Every single "sad" moment is rinsed for the maximum amount of screentime, every single word and sentence is not written but calculated, and every single character seems to be tailored towards their most tragic flaws to exploit the audience's emotion. The game beat me over the head with so much melodrama and "sad" moments that the only way it could try to force me to cry more is if it tried to beat me in real life.

Yet, for all the melodrama, I didn't cry once. At the end of the day, after all, what reason did I have to cry for the characters when I could barely remember their names? Every character is stuffed to the brim with overused tropes, shallow personalities, laughably amateur dialogue, and incredibly simplistic motivations. I had no way of emphasizing with any character in this game when none of them were written well enough for me to care about and connect to. In fact, none of them were even written well enough to resemble a living, breathing person. And with no gameplay to speak of, the only action one can take to advance the game boils down to reading countless lines of sterile, uninspired dialogue.

It's criminal how this game has such a dope soundtrack that's so underutilized. There are no stage themes to bring some excitement to the extremely dull, clunky gameplay, the few times that music does pop up in a stage, it only lasts for a few seconds, and the dope boss themes are attached to bosses that easily go down in a minute. The music was too fire so the rangers had to put it out.

some dude who's favorite game is a JRPG with a 20 minute skit about accidentally groping a girl: "the writing is pretty cringe"

It's perplexing to see everyone gassing up this mid ass game. What jackass over at Sega thought it would be funny to compose a banger theme song for the intro, and then make the actual game silent 90% of the time? Without that Sonic Team mix you're just left with some mediocre gameplay that will leave no impression on you.

Barely functional mess with no minimap on a pitch black map running at single digit FPS, with your only guidance forward being entirely over the voice comms that don't actually know where you are, sending you in circles through this indistinguishable lab that's constantly exploding directly under your feet making the directional sensitive platforming even clunkier than it already is. Controls like people pretend Mega Man Legends does but 2x worse and actually demands more of you in the process.

Add it to the list of BEST SEGA SATURN GAMES because it's technically true LMFAO

At least it looks cool I guess? I dunno, tired of being recommended post-Genesis Sega games to the tune of commercials; "3D GRAPHICS, SO COOL! GENERIC ANIME INTRO! OLDHEAD DEVELOPERS!!" Still wanna give this another shot but can't help but feel if this were a PS1 or N64 title it'd be slammed way harder than it is, Sega always gets a pass because {vaguely alludes to 90s marketing aesthetics}. I"d love to be able to eat my words on replay, truly.



Actually a competent little platformer, designed originally for the 3DO. Gex is an annoying dickhead whom I hope gets hit by a car, but I think his game is fine.

This game is pretty damn amazing if you're willing to overlook the fact it sucks a big fat fucking gorilla cock