Frustrating,convoluted and poorly written,despite this the open world is beautiful as is the soundtrack,the story has some nice moments and i cant fault for being unoriginal.

Glad i tried it,probably wont play it again,in any case its better than a ubisoft game.

The suicide mission alone makes this one of my favourites.

Obviously a lot of time and effort has been put into this game,but i just don't like this genre.

Edit:After my 3rd attempt,its finally clicked,its hard but rewarding,also the art design is amazing.

Kinda meh on this game Originally,but after replaying it,its pretty good.

Combat is good,the characters are decent and the story ,although generic has its high points.

One of the best sequels,its visually stunning nad the environmental storytelling is top notch and the twist is really something l.

Definitely the best one,its more grounded, but it still retains the uncharted charm and feel,the story is so good,i loved the brother dynamic and it got surprisingly emotional towards the end.

Pretty good,its no where near perfect,its buggy has poor writing(except maybe far harbour)
But the gameplay is great and its just so fun.

Soo much fun,i have spent 100+ hours in this game and keep coming back.

I'm so glad i bought this,its like guardians of the galaxy+star trek.its great how your choices actually matter,the only part thats lacking is the gunplay in ME1.

Wow,shouldn't have slept on this.loved the story and combat,i wish it was more linear tho.

Edit:on my replay the flaws are more glaring,the looting and upgrading system is cumbersome and slows the game down, the story isnt that Original,finally the backtracking is also really annoying.

Still a pretty good game,but im not sure ill get the sequel.

Honestly could talk about this game all day,its just so good,the complex characters,beautiful locations,amazing gameplay,and a gripping story,this has it all.

Maybe videogames can be art?