The hype for this game was real. And it was really just a glorified point and click style game

I’m looking forward to eventually getting around to the collection cause I don’t really remember season two. Some deaths for sure and I think I’m remembering the ending correctly was really good.

Felt like an unnecessary remaster for a game but was nice having it on the PS4

This was it. The first Lego game that I was a sellout of the company. The rushed it without even giving us the full game and promised Battle of the Five Armies as DLC which never came. What a joke of a game.

I have no idea what happened from the first game to this but oof it’s bad

Holy shit this story slapped. Cannot wait for the second game. This would be a dream story to adapt into a live action miniseries

One of my first ps4 ps plus games. Had no one to play it with though, think that’s why I gave up on the platinum… also I think it was kinda hard

Nothing better than killing some nazis

Proof that the silent protagonist is hilariously stupid

The end of the platinum race with Jacob. Got burnt out of playing shitty games just for an easy plat.

Lol. What was this fever dream of a game.

Not awful, could’ve been better but sadly the slow beginning of the end for Lego games.

Cute little game, really good and funny dialogue.

Goodness three in a row 🫠 trophy bitch what can I say.


Yeah… but hey this only took like five hours to platinum 😂 Mitchell wanted to hangout but I made him wait till I plated the game so he went downstairs and watched tv.