Yeah… yeah 🫠 trophy junkie over here!

I don’t know how Matthew got this platinum. This might be the most grindy platinum EVER

Come on. Who actually finished this game cause I stopped after I got the platinum 😅 I should’ve finished it cause I was enjoying it but I’m a trophy hunter also… on to the next game!

For a spin-off it’s not awful. But lacks in a lot of repetitive gameplay and boring story.

My favorite indie game. Such a beautiful fairytale story. I “went home sick” on a cold wintery day and played this. I love this game so much.


The game where you can play as a cat, instantly amazing right? I don't think so. While yes, it was so much fun and adorable exploring this dark, and empty robotic city I finished the game wanting at least a little more.

The graphics, sound design, score, atmosphere, and somewhat the story was decent! What killed me was the liner gameplay and just how short the experience is. Being limited to only being able to jump on certain objects made this game feel like a point and click games (which I don't hate but those usually have amazing stories). It's hard to make a compelling game about a cat when trying to keep it realistic for the most part, so I believe the creators wrote themselves into a quick corner but still gave us a quick enjoyable experiences.

I don't think it's worth the $30 but friend and I game shared it and $15 is perfect for a game like this. If you take your time and get all the trophies it's about an 8-10 hour game. Lastly, why did the end like it did?! Like I wanted our little friend to be reunited felt every rushed.

LOVE this game a breathe of fresh air after AC III. Would’ve love to have gotten the platinum but the share a treasure trophy with a friend was glitched and I lost all motivation to get the other trophies. Sad day. Sorry Jacob.

The dream I was waiting finally happened. Love this story so much. Nick helped me with the speed run trophy cause I love this game too much I could never speed run it.

Cute little remake. Would love to play it again.

Plated this game in two sessions 😂 what a joke.

Looks like a played the story and then realized the platinum wasn’t worth it and gave up. Don’t regret giving up though it was an okay game.

Is this the last great CoD game 🤔 I think so but I’m also officially old now for saying that. Zombies RULED

Think this is the only platinum Matthew got me… he attempted for another but sadly didn’t finish it. He loved this game so much he wanted to replat it and I said fuck it 😂 feel like I shouldn’t rate it but hell if he loved it that much I probably would’ve too.