The narration is great, but I got tired of gameplay rather quickly.

Combat leaves much to desire due to poor aiming and almost no skill involvement.

Game has a lot of dialogue, but I was brearly able to follow, due to how uninteresting it was.

I'm rating this by modern standards, so like most adventure games of its era, it's really easy to get stuck by missing some little detail.

Also the story isn't much either.

Fun at first, but quickly gets very difficult and not in a challenging way, but in a few checkpoints, pixel perfect moving kinda way.

I decided to stop after a bug making enemy run in a pattern that made collecting all points impossible. Might go back into it once I played games from my backlog.

Very simplistic, I actually liked it, but dropped due to level design where levels start easy and get difficult with time. The issue with this is each time you fail you need repeat long, easy parts over and over again.

Pretty good game. Mechanics were fun, especially when levels had uninterrupted flow, which felt really good even when losing. Unfortunately often this wasn't the case and game was pretty frustrating.

Also it crashed at the very end of final level, so I decided not repeat it and watch ending on Youtube.

It wouldn't kill it to have few extra checkpoints, so players don't need to repeat the part they became very familiar with before trying the new challenge.

I want to like it, but it has just too many design flaws.
The biggest problem is how slow player's character is. On top of that, weapon isn't fun to use at all.
Most of the levels are pretty dull.

Aside from the subject matter, wasn't really all that interesting. Learning about different customs and other stuff related to the profession is highlight of the game, but there's also a lot of text that could be skipped and the gameplay doesn't do much either.


It's not worth anyone's time. The character is very stiff, movement and interactions with environment feel like something in early development. For example when player is killed by the bird when the bird's sprite touches the character that's it. No death animation, no sound. Bird keeps flapping it's wings while staying in place of the collision while screen fades black.
On top of that the game requires player to know exactly when and how to move in order to avoid some obstacles without giving them any chance react. You need to die in order to know what's going to happen.

This one is bit problematic for me, because I like the game, but after second crash when trying to save at the same point, I'm not willing to repeat all the fights once more, to see if this time it might work.

I like the characters, even if the story is bit lacking.

The loading screens are way to frequent and long and it takes considerable amount of time to move between the menus as well. If you're to play it – avoid the Switch version.

It's mostly fine, but also totally skippable. Requires way too much walking through maps and I didn't regret checking solution in the walkthrough even once.

Presentation is really nice, but gameplay becomes repetitive.

I could make a game like that in a week. And I'm not even good at making games.

Simple and fun.

It could use polish in some areas, but because because of how short it is, it doesn't get annoying.

I used walkthrough for most of the game and I don't regret it one bit, as actually trying to solve most of the game would be a waste of time.

The story is more of Deponia, although I feel like Rufus being complete ass is kinda getting old at this point.