At its core it's pretty good game, but with some annoying problems.

Firstly, it's too long. By the time I got to the last level I wanted to be done with it.

The bosses are pretty boring in two ways. Firstly, most of them fell into one of few templates and are almost exactly the same. Secondly, they take pretty long to beat (although I should probably use more specials) and even if challenge otherwise isn't that big, couple of small mistakes can make you go through the whole thing again.

Also that one part where you need to run quickly is just the worst. The controls for this game were just not made for this.

It started pretty cool, but some of later levels require 1 hand to operate circle pad, 1 for circle pro and one for firing using ABXY. This could be solved by using L and R to fire normal and extra missiles but only possible configuration uses both L and R for specials. As I only have two hands I'm not able to play this game comfortably.

Not much too see here.
Story wasn't really interesting, but the worst part is that getting all of it is very painful. You need to repeat the same stuff over and over, and even with skipping the dialogs it still takes time.
Also it requires very specific actions to be performed in order to get all the endings (which is necessary to unlock the true one) and I can't image anyone doing it without walkthrough.

Better than the previous ones.
The theater scene is the best.

It's nicely made, but not really compelling to play.
Maybe bit difficult for me, as in it doesn't offer enough for me to want to put the effort in.

Not really much to say to say about this one – it's math puzzles. You might like it, if that's your thing.

After getting endings for 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 and 8 pieces of rope – I'm done

I just don't wanna go through all the steps again – especially carrying stones.

I haven't really been interesting either. Just getting new death scenes with occasional scary point added.

I can't play it, just like I can play classic Sonic games

However from what I can tell it seems more fun than Sonic, both in terms of story and gameplay

Don't take my word for it though, because I'm not a target for this game

I'm not leaving a score as the game is pretty much the opposite of what I could enjoy. It's very long and difficult arcade game. On the game over you start from the very beginning, which already makes it not my kind on game (I don't like repeating the easy part in order to get to actual meat). Add the fact that game is long for an arcade title and difficult and you get exactly what I don't want from my games.

Liked the story and picross is picross.
The worst thing – you need to not use hints if you want to have the best ranking and the game doesn't tell you that.

I have no idea why I finished the whole thing, including post main game part, because I really dislike this game.
Story is basically bad fanfiction, because we want to do the past, but can't have bad end of the original. Gameplay loop is super repetitive and grindy, what's worst even when being overleveled it would often take really long time to beat single enemy – and you are forced to repeat mostly same actions over and over again. Same for gathering resources, especially when you want to develop characters you'll be forced to play on some point. Speaking of characters – a lot of them control badly, for example Zelda before getting the bow was totally unplayable for me, and she's far from the only one.

The game gives you everything and it makes everything lack meaning. Superpowers are neat idea, but the controlls are really bad.

I'm unable to continue due to motion sickness I get from this game. Its gameplay loop is fairly addictive, although not always fair.

The most deadly weapon in the game, by far is a camera, as if you have any problem with motion sickness when playing games it can actually hurt you.

I really liked the world it's presenting and it was the main thing pushing me forward.

The gameplay however is pretty bad.