Sweet jesus Pooh! That's not a game!
You're eating assembly programming!

I dropped the game, because it didn't save and the game isn't good enough to justify replaying segment I lost. I'm interested enough to watch gameplay of part of the game I missed.

Other than that, the game is mostly fun enough, although with many drawbacks.

Pretty good game with tight controls and mechanics. Story is also pretty nice, but level and enemy design is lacking.

I's really charming and I enjoyed it quite a lot. The biggest problem is that sometimes walkthrough is practically necessity. If you're stuck, just look up the solution, it's usually not worth finding it for yourself. Controls and interface can be bit junky sometimes. And while it's really difficult to not take any hits, your healthbar is so big, the game is very easy as a result.

This is the most confusing music/rhythm game I ever played. Even after multiple tries (and winning some levels) I'm still not sure when exactly am I supposed to click, to get correct timing and it seems to be only loosely connected to rhythm of the song playing.
Which is a shame, because I enjoy esthetics of the game.

I was going to drop it after tutorial case, but decided to give it more chance and I ended up really liking it.

The puzzle itself is pretty fun, but implementation is lacking.

Different colors are often very similar and colorblind modes don't help.

Mostly fine if basic.
Campaign only let's you play two of the available characters and playing in versus after that, isn't really worth it.
Difficulty level is very inconsistent.
Targeting system is far from perfect. Once game decides on a character to follow, it's really difficult to do any action in different direction.
Levels where you only fight Covers are really boring.
Final level relies a lot on rock-papers-scissors mechanics, which is basically luck.

Might be the worst Mega Man game I've played so far. Nothing screams "game design" like bosses requiring you to have special, very limited weapons that cannot be refilled not only during the fight, but even after losing lifes.

It's a mixed bag.
The characters and story are really nice, but it does take a lot of time to get to interesting part.

The gameplay, sometimes is whatever, sometimes bad-ish. Puzzles are probably the worst part. Many of them are just "follow only available path to get to the switch that opens new only available path".
The ones where you need to use Chip's dash are the worst, it requires not difficult, but specific and very non-obvious way of doing it and even then sometimes fails. It was a big waste of time.
Also fighting long marathon of bosses (close to the end of the game) got tiring pretty fast and it's not only part where having less of something would be helpful.

edit: Just learned about transphobia. It is easily -2 stars level of bad, so -2 stars it is.

It has some very solid ideas and mostly fun gameplay, but also some levels require a lot of luck, which was really not fun to actually try to beat.

I hate the writing and controls.

The game has it's charm, but you won't miss much by skipping it.

The controls are very basic and don't despise our character having lot of different weapons, don't feel good.
The balance is also pretty bad with early battles often being more difficult than late ones and levels feeling pretty dull.

The premise is pretty interesting, but the gameplay was pretty frustrating. Very often I seem to be unable to do anything. All checks that are worth having are marked as straight up or very close to impossible.

After finishing it once, I really wanted to replay it, for the better ending, but gave up because of bugs.

The new game would keep thinking the fist battle of new game is actually the last one. Once I defeated all enemies (new ones don't spawn) the game continues to having turns like normal, except if I have more than one character, it breaks and I'm unable to do anything after my first move. So I tried again, this time forcing most of my characters to run, before defeating last enemy. By doing so, I could stay on the empty field with my last character or run. After I did, the final scene played and the game ended.