This was my first monster hunter game, and I will forever cherish the memories of me and my friends playing Iceborne and its updates over the course of 2020. Can be difficult to get into but an absolute must-try if you enjoy other third-person action games.

While I personally enjoy Monster Hunter World and Generations Ultimate much more, I can appreciate the faster more streamlined gameplay of Rise. My dislike for this game over those other 2 purely comes from the fact I enjoy my main weapons (IG and LS) much, much more in those 2 than in Rise.

A third-person shooter roguelike that just lets you break it if you want to. I just hope Gearbox doesn't fuck it up.

What could've gone wrong, went wrong, a downgrade from 2 in almost every way except visually. Mediocre heists, not enough guns, and terrible skill trees. Play any other 4-player co-op shooter instead.

One of the best open-world RPGs ever made. The game's main drawback is its simplistic combat which is just ok. Everything else from the world, story, to music is near perfect.

A unique 2D submarine game that is a blast with friends as long as you can get over the mild learning curve and general clunkiness of gameplay.

Not too much to say here. If you love factory sims and automation, you'll love this game.

It feels like Klei doesn't know what to do with DST. They're really committed to the whole not guiding the player at all thing, but the game really needs it. There is so much content here that 90% of players will never see because most people, including myself the first few times I played this game just play until they die once and go "That was cool". Without an experienced player guiding you or several tabs of guides open this is just a neat little survival game.

This game gets the one thing it needed to right. Mech fighting feels awesome but customization is lacking without mods, and even 5 years after release it still is odd this game was released in an in-universe period where a ton of this franchise's most iconic mechs (Direwolf, Timberwolf, etc) just don't exist yet.

One of the best games ever made. It's hard to make an open world of this scale that almost never feels boring to walk through. My first blind playthrough of this game is one of my all-time favorite experiences in gaming.


GTFO is a pretty tough game to rate. If you look at this game, think it looks neat, and are able to convince 3 other friends to buy it as well definitely give it a go, it's a pretty unique experience. Otherwise, if you're not cool using the game's discord to find other party members I would steer clear. The game's main issue past that is its time-per-level. Tougher levels can easily be multi-hour-long missions with absolutely no way to save and come back. While it was neat when me and my then all high school-aged friends could sit for hours working through the levels during COVID-19, 4 years later, we have struggled to all find time to be able to even attempt some levels. The game does have checkpoints but they do not save if you exit the level and are only for restarting from a point immediately after you fail.

It's a shame this one didn't get a DLC like the souls-series games did.