Hollow Knight was a game I slept on for a really long time, but I can pretty confidently say it is one of my favorite games ever after multiple playthroughs. Also, where is Silksong I beg of you Team Cherry, give us something.

It's like crack if it was a boomer shooter.

A really interesting and unique roguelike bogged down by an insane amount of grinding needed to reliably beat the later levels.

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This game got so boring when I realized the game's main puzzle only has one solution and there is only one enemy type throughout the whole game.

One of the best stories put in a video game. Unfortunately hampered by some outdated systems related to the game's open world, in particular with how missions work.

My personal favorite survival horror game. Incredible atmosphere and story.

One of those games that once every year I think "I should replay that". The best game to get into the souls series with.

A great turn-based RPG with really pretty visuals and one of the best soundtracks put into a game. The story plays out like 8 mini-RPGs which puts off some but I don't mind it.

An absolutely garbage story saved by 4 fun classes and some pretty solid end-game activities.

This might be my biggest gaming hottake, but I dislike this game outside of its DLC area. The main thing people rave about with this game's first half is its interconnected world, but I just could not care less. I even remember being annoyed looping back to Firelink cause I wasn't making any progress. My biggest issue with this game is all of the bosses outside the DLC are either just ok or genuinely awful. The game also has a second half that is synonymous with the word unfinished. However, there are 3 absolutely fantastic bosses in the DLC that personally save the game for me.

Release a proper version of the soundtrack you fucking cowards.

This one is a pretty hard sell. After 12 hours of combat tutorials and terrible story pacing, the game finally gets going, and it's pretty good for the remaining 150+ hour story.