It's a nice little platformer, especially considering it's free and takes about 2 hours to beat (a bit more if you go for secrets). There's not much to say about it, the gameplay is totally alright but the premise and setting are what makes it stand out. All things considered, this game is really well put together considering it was mostly made by one person. The passion behind the game is clear, and while there isn't a whole lot here, it's a fun game to play in one sitting.

Fantastic game, just wish I had more time to commit to it.

This game sets a pretty solid foundation for the Metro series. While it shows its age in a lot of places, the premise, setting, and atmosphere are done very well. Good start to a great series

It's not hilariously bad or anything, it's just boring. I think that's worse.

You will find some of the rawest unfiltered interactions you will have with anyone on the entire internet in VRChat. I use it for sightseeing with friends every now and then, but it's not for me.

The only multiplayer shooter that I actually enjoy playing and want to play more. This game is worth it for the movement options alone, not to mention that it has an awesome campaign mode (especially by multiplayer FPS standards), and an awesome multiplayer base. The game kind of got shafted at release due to terrible marketing and a bad release date, but now that it's come to steam, the player base is as vibrant as ever. Can't recommend this game enough.

One of the funniest games I've ever played. Only a few hours long, but definitely worth the money.

I've had this game for a while, and it's awesome seeing how far it's come. It's really silly, but fun to mess around in. The running sound alone is enough to turn heads. If you can get a couple of friends to play with, and have a few hours to spare, this game is a blast.

I really liked this as a kid. I only remember a bit about it, but it was surprisingly fun.

Smash but portable. A bit outdated now that Ultimate on the Switch exists, but you can't fit the Switch in your pocket. Smash Run was also a pretty good time, and at least the local wireless play was functional.

By far one of my favorite games on the 3DS. It's the only Scribblenauts game I've put significant time into, so I can't really compare it to the others, but this really is a fantastic game.

I played this game for an hour then lost it lol.

The most fun I've had playing a 3D game with a D-pad. This game was seriously ahead of it's time, and still a blast to play today. If you want to get into the MGS series, this is a must-play.

The best Pokemon game ever made, or at least a strong contender with Black and White. The sheer amount of content in this game is ridiculous, and is the game that got me into the series as a kid. If you want to get into Pokemon, this is one of the games you should start with.