The most fun I've had playing a 3D game with a D-pad. This game was seriously ahead of it's time, and still a blast to play today. If you want to get into the MGS series, this is a must-play.

The best Pokemon game ever made, or at least a strong contender with Black and White. The sheer amount of content in this game is ridiculous, and is the game that got me into the series as a kid. If you want to get into Pokemon, this is one of the games you should start with.

As a 3D Mario Platformer that can fit on the 3DS and actually take advantage of the 3D effect in gameplay, I'd say this game succeeds at what it tries to accomplish. It's pretty mediocre compared to the rest of the 3D Mario's, but it's not a bad time for a game that fits in your pocket.

Fun with friends, and one of the few gems on the NES. It created the Konami Code too, which is pretty sick. I don't know how you'd beat this game without it though, I barely beat it with it

A pretty good introduction to the franchise. It got pretty innovative with it's campaign/multiplayer hybrid, but It didn't land all too well. The core of this game is the movement and the titans, and boy does it do it well. No reason to get this today since pretty much the entire player base moved to Titanfall 2, and since this is a multiplayer only game, makes it a pointless buy. It was still a good time though, and certainly got me invested into the series.

Smash but portable. A bit outdated now that Ultimate on the Switch exists, but you can't fit the Switch in your pocket. Smash Run was also a pretty good time, and at least the local wireless play was functional.

I have good memories playing the tennis and boxing mini games with my brother. It was my first and only Wii game for a while, and I certainly got a lot of mileage out of it.

A fun little mobile game I played on my mother's ipad in the doctor's office. Never played it on my own time, but it was a nice time spender.

My cart was jacked to hell, but it was a nice distraction for the couple of hours I put into it as a kid. Maybe one day I'll emulate it or get a fresh cart to see how the game actually plays like

I have incredibly fond memories playing this game locally with friends in elementary and middle school. This was childhood right here. I just wish the mission mode made a return in the newer games, that was a lot of fun.

MK DS but better. I don't have as many memories playing with friends, but it's a better game at the core, and I enjoyed my time with it.

The first Call of Duty game I ever owned, believe it or not. Darshawn, if you're reading this, this is the best worst DS game I've ever played, thanks a million for it

Pretty fun. Not much to say about it.

The game isn't fantastic, but I enjoyed playing it as a kid, it was one of my first sonic games. Thank gosh it was this game and not Sonic and the Secret Rings.