The perfect sequel in my opinion. It's got a longer campaign, more story, a huge workshop and modding community, a full coop campaign, all while keeping that signature humor and wit in it's fantastic writing.

Skylanders but bigger figures.

Skylanders but you can play as the enemies.

Probably the the best detective game ever made. It's whole gameplay system is built around solving a murder mystery, where you must deduce the fate of every single passenger on the Obra Dinn. But you don't know everyone by name. You must solve who every one is and their fate by listening for accents, following conversations, understanding the roles of the ship, understanding context clues, and even filling in the blanks. It's literal detective work, and I love it to bits for it.

A really cool atmospheric 15 minute game jam game. It's also free, so go check it out.

It's neat and it's free, but there's not really much else to it. Beating the game gives you a time and achievements trying to incentivize you to speedrun the game, but the movement just doesn't feel good enough to make it fun. It has a nice atmosphere, but it's not a very special experience.

From the bit that I played, it's great fun with friends. It feels faithful to the source material, and its non-linear and flexible design leads to some hilarious shenanigans with both friends and randos. It's also free, which is a double-edged sword. It can be a bit rough around the edges, one example of which is the obtuse server hosting system, and personally it's not a game I would go out of my way to play with by myself (with randos). However, free is free, and that paired with being a great time with friends that anyone can hop into means there's no reason why you can't give this a go with a group.

Without a doubt one of the best 3D Sonic games ever made. It's an absolute joy to play, and one of the few games that I've put the time into 100%ing. It's not very long if you're doing the bare minimum, but running through all the levels, gunning for an S rank by acing your way thorough a tough shortcut at blistering speed is just so satisfying. Both the 3D and 2D levels are varied and unique in both aesthetics and gameplay, and don't get old easily. Unlike some other 3D sonic games, the levels are never just straightaways, but also have a clear direction of progression, meaning you don't feel like you're on rails, but you never feel lost . I love how many different paths and optimizations you can take to decrease your time or find secrets, it adds lots of replay value and makes getting those S ranks incredibly satisfying on both the 3D and 2D levels. The modifications system is also a great addition, giving you perks like a bubble shield or a higher top speed that let you customize Sonic to suit your playstyle or skill level. The missions aren't all fantastic, but they're a neat distraction, though there's no real reason to do them all unless you're gunning for a 100%. It also has an active modding community, with graphics and level mods galore. They even made a mod including all the daylight levels from Sonic Unleashed!. Overall, this is without a doubt the definitive 3D Sonic, and I can't recommend it enough to anyone who's a fan of the series, or wants to see how fun 3D Sonic can truly be.

Fantastic game, just wish I had more time to commit to it.

This game sets a pretty solid foundation for the Metro series. While it shows its age in a lot of places, the premise, setting, and atmosphere are done very well. Good start to a great series

It's not hilariously bad or anything, it's just boring. I think that's worse.

You will find some of the rawest unfiltered interactions you will have with anyone on the entire internet in VRChat. I use it for sightseeing with friends every now and then, but it's not for me.

It's a nice little platformer, especially considering it's free and takes about 2 hours to beat (a bit more if you go for secrets). There's not much to say about it, the gameplay is totally alright but the premise and setting are what makes it stand out. All things considered, this game is really well put together considering it was mostly made by one person. The passion behind the game is clear, and while there isn't a whole lot here, it's a fun game to play in one sitting.

Mario Galaxy is one of the best 3D platformers ever made, no doubt about it. It has stellar gameplay, an out of this world orchestrated soundtrack, and a gorgeous aesthetic. Some of my fondest childhood memories include playing this game (and its sequel) on the carpeted floor in my pajamas, a bowl of Cheez-its to my left and a glass of milk to my right. Do yourself a favor and play this game.

The only multiplayer shooter that I actually enjoy playing and want to play more. This game is worth it for the movement options alone, not to mention that it has an awesome campaign mode (especially by multiplayer FPS standards), and an awesome multiplayer base. The game kind of got shafted at release due to terrible marketing and a bad release date, but now that it's come to steam, the player base is as vibrant as ever. Can't recommend this game enough.