Only reason I'm not putting 5 stars is because I like the OG persona battle macanics more (I'm not very good at Strikers lmao).

It is genuinely impossible to decide which persona game is my favorite. I will say that I think this one is both teh funniest and has the best story. Sensational.

Very big fan of Bloons. Perferct to play offline during school lmao.

The only thing holding this back from 5 star is replayability.


I like this game when I'm winning, losing in CR makes me want to die.

I play these everytime they come out and personally always enjoy myself. Big fan of the WWE games recently (Not 2k20 or Battlegrouds).

Personally enjoy franchise mode the most lmao.

This would be 5 star if it didn't piss me off every now and then. Still love it tho.

5 star game with friends, but when ur just playing alone it's less fun. But I still enjoy myself every now and then with Roblox so I'll say 3.5. I miss PBB.

No game makes me more angry than 2K. I have fun sometimes tho.

When it first released, 5 star game. But now that I can see all the flaws and errors, 3.5. Once a lot of things are fixed and added this game will be amazing, but for now, too buggy. Enjoyed my playthrough very much though.